It was pointed out to me off forum the literature cleary shows back to
back cannot be used when the channels are running end to end.
(Thanks again Ed).
So, should the same '8 foot rule' be applied for parallel to the slope
when the channels run end to end?
I was glancing through the literature of one of the Specialty Attic
Sprinkler makers (back-back at the peak) and none of the plan views
shows which way the channels were running so the delay in activation
for the rare case of channels running end to end can be neglected,
apparently. The Fire always goes up fast enough and if that's good
enough for attic sprks it should be good enough for SSU.
That paints a perfect motion picture Roland.
So we space for 8ft end to end, not eave to peak.
On the off chance the channels run end to end it might be a good
idea to go 8 eave to peak too?
I've modeled attic type head discharge patterns but it never
occurred to me to try and gain a better understanding of the 8ft
thing by modelling activation, and now thanks to you I don't have
Gee thanks Roland,
Quoting Roland Huggins <>:
Just the opposite but your reasoning when viewed a little
differently will help lock it down. The fire goes up the slope
and does not spread out in the normal circle. This results in the
adjacent sprinklers (from the channel with the heat) seeing much
less of the heat. SO if they are closer to the channel
(represented by a spacing of 8 ft) then a normal pressure but if
further apart (longer activation time) then a higher pressure .
Roland Huggins, PE - Senior VP Engineering
American Fire Sprinkler Assn.
Dallas, TX <>
Fire Sprinklers Saves Lives
On Apr 17, 2018, at 11:28 AM, Jeff Normand <> wrote:
I agree that wording confuses me also. Perpendicular to slope.
Been too long since I've dealt with this and I have to look it up
each time. But I'm thinking it makes sense that the spacing would
be up the slope - fire goes up the slope - so no more than 8 feet
apart up the slope.
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