
Showing too much enthousiasm only for "Anaconda"  may tie Spyder good  
fortune even more to Continuum IO than it is today.

On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 11:10:41 PM UTC+1, Gonzalo Peña-Castellanos 
> Hi again users and devs :)
> Now looks is not everything and I wanted to also talk a bit a bit about 
> what defaults should we have on Spyder when starting fresh, some widgets 
> and also plugins
> *The template*
> The template is what every noob will see the first time they start Spyder, 
> why not make the best we can to have the best but minimal template?
>    - Include a def main ():
>    - Include the boilerplate (if __name__ == "__main__":    main())
>    - Include the basic scientific imports with their standard aliases
>       - (numpy as np, scipy as sp, matplotlib.pyplot as plt...
>       - shebang (# /usr/bin/env python)
> *PEP8 *
> I think we should enforce the use of pep8 right from the start. Some 
> people 
> first experience with Python is through Spyder, why not enforce pep8 right
> from the beginning when people are more easily persuaded?
> Also on this line, why not make 'remove trailing spaces' also a default
> *Object inspector*
> The automatic connections seem like a great idea why not make at least the 
> editor 
> a default?
> *Online Help*
> I hate this plugin, it looks horrible, I would argue that it needs to go 
> to the trash!
> *Plugins*
> The idea of plugins needs to be tackled ASAP. Of course the backbone for 
> this is already there
> but we need to give the next step. 
>    - Autodiscovery of plugins
>    - Make developing plugins inside Spyder simple providing templates in 
>    the file explorer
>    - Provide through projects something similar (create a new Project 
>    would give the option to make a spyder plugin)
>    - I think in the view menu we need to have Panes (Standard in Spyder), 
>    and Plugins (3rd party plugins)
>    - I think plugins should be *pip* installable or/and, *conda* 
>    installable (with the conda plugin)
>    - Once plugins are installable, profiler, pylint and conda packages 
>    should go to their own repos
> *Anaconda*
> This might be a touchy subject for some, but I will go ahead anyway. 
> Before conda and the anaconda distribution the chances of getting people 
> in my institute to switch
> to a Python based stack were pretty low. After anaconda, that has 
> dramatically changed and I expect a full
> conversion (from matlab and delphi... yuck!) by the end of 2015 :)
> I know there is winpython and python xy, and etc etc, but perhaps we 
> should enforce the use of anaconda 
> with a bit more enthusiasm.
> The advantages are clear to me:
>    - Stable installation cross platform
>    - The use of conda environments allows for a compact and stable use 
>    and reuse (sharing) of science :)
>    - A broad array of ready to use scientific packages
>    - The ability to use the conda package manager plugin inside Spyder to 
>    install ALL of Spyder plugins
>    - The ability to have dedicated Spyder and Binstar (
>    https://binstar.org/dashboard) channels
>       - Provide dedicated experiences for different disciplines
>       - Have a metapackage to install all the basic optional dependencies 
>       on spyder on one click
>       - Have a metapackage to install all the basic optional plugins on 
>       spyder on one click
> What are your thoughts on these issues I raise?
> Please comment and remember to follow/subscribe/like/request membership to 
> the new
> Spyder communication channels
> *Be Social*
>    - Twitter <https://twitter.com/spyder_ide>, Facebook 
>    <https://www.facebook.com/SpyderIDE>, Google+ Page 
>    <https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107193318474220481102/107193318474220481102>
>    - Google+ Community 
> <https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107193318474220481102/communities/112932801653352854842>
>    - Youtube channel 
>    <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0uCG7DVzKUAhaw8veitkw>

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