On Oct 2, 2014, at 11:41 AM, Stefan Urbanek <stefan.urba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks, but that is for SQLAlchemy and we are already using constructions 
> like that. That is not a problem at all. Problem is in Alembic migration - 
> how to correctly get a reflected Table object from the database just being 
> migrated? Something like:
> table = Table("some_table", md)
> where md is the actual reflected metadata of the existing schema in the 
> database that the migration will be also upgrading.

OK, I'm pretty sure you know this already, so forgive me if I'm stating things 
you already know and the question is still something I'm not getting.    Table 
reflection with a Table is via the "autoload=True" argument, where 
"autoload_with=<some bind>" allows you to send along the engine or connection 
you want to reflect with 
(http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/reflection.html, which I'm sure 
you've seen).   In an Alembic migration, the connection is available via 
   So put those together and you get:

def upgrade():
    meta = MetaData()
    table = Table("some_table", meta, autoload=True, 

the above, since it emits SELECT statements isn't compatible with "offline" 

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