>> I forgot to mention that what I have in mind are not several  instances of 
>> SQLAlchemy, but a single instance which would be part of something  like 
>> an "application server". Then all client requests would be processed  by 
>> one and the same instance of SQLAlchemy, running on the server side. 
>> In such an environment, where SQLAlchemy should "know" at runtime  which 
>> objects are modified by other clients, it should be possible to  
>> automatically keep everything in sync, no? 
> right, but your server probably uses multiple threads and/or child  
> processes, and the SA session is only intended to be used in one  
> thread at a time, so concurrency issues can still come up, and one  
> thread/process can change the database while another session is not  
> exactly in sync with that new data.

For such cases, <duck> Modeling </duck> provides a mechanism that 
"broadcasts" changes made by one "editing context" to all others upon 
committing. Maybe they could share code with SQLAlchemy?

Personally, I agree with SGI that:

"GUI tools should not mislead the user; they should display the current state 
of the system, even when changes to the system originate from outside of the 
tools themselves."

(Citation from http://oss.sgi.com/projects/fam/).

So imho the GUI of a database application should always reflect the current 
state of the data in the database. Without polling, of course. Not like e.g. 
this ยง$%&@! Windows "Explorer"...

Unfortunately there seems to be no "standard" mechanism to register a client 
with the database itself for notification of any updates to records. Even the 
PostgreSQL-specific "listen" and "notify" commands require polling to 
retrieve the notification events as far as I understand from the 

I wonder whether PL/Python support in PostgreSQL would allow to implement 
something like such an asynchronous notification system...

>>> without going back to the database to refetch the data, or by
>>> pessimistically locking everything (which is not  recommended).
>> Why not recommended? In some cases, consistency is more important than
>> performance...
> it depends on the needs of the specific application, but pessimistic  
> locking is usually overkill, complicated, and can lead to deadlocking  
> conditions.

In case of the "naive" implementation mentioned, e.g. if someone opens a 
record for modification and then leaves the dialogbox open for the rest of 
the day, because (s)he gets distracted and forgets about it...

> long running sessions (with corresponding long-running transactions)  
> are not recommended anyway.  Hibernate has this to say on the subject  
> (http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/v3/reference/en/html/ 
> transactions.html#transactions-basics-apptx):

Thanks for the link.
>> But, between "knowing something about the theoretical  basis" (what's a 
>> lock, what does rollback mean), and being able to actually implement an  
>> entire transaction manager "by hand" "from scratch", there's a H-U-G-E  
>> difference imho. Something like five years of CS studies and at least as 
>> much  of actual practical experience I guess. 
> well theres a third option to those methods which is to use known  
> design patterns.

And a fourth (imho the most "Pythonic") option: Don't re-invent your own nuts 
and bolts, use well implemented, tested and documented modules provided by 
third parties. :-)


Wolfgang Keller

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