Hi Jonathan and All,

    first of all, thank you for your answer.

On 3/6/07, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> it sounds like you inserted a bunch of new objects, but didn't flush,
> so select() doesn't see them.  get() does see it because it checks the
> identity map before querying the db.

Well, at the beginning this is what I thought, but I put flush()
everywhere and I still get the same result. So, I thought to modify
the byroot_tree.py demo in the examples/adjacencytree directory to
show a couple of issues I have been fighting for 2 days.
The problems you will see are:

1) No matter how/when/where I flush(), select returns always an empty
list (see the attached file when you run the simple demo);
2) Using a "physical" database (not using an in-memory database),
baffles me: in the attached file, at the bottom, just set the

newDataBase = True

The first time to create the database: this just creates few random
nodes and saves them into the database. Then, set:

newDataBase = False

To try to load the data from the database. I get an impossible error
from the TreeLoader class:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\gavana\Desktop\SQLAlchemy-0.3.5\SQLAlchemy-0.3
.5\examples\adjacencytree\byroot_tree_1.py", line 206, in <module>
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\gavana\Desktop\SQLAlchemy-0.3.5\SQLAlchemy-0.3
.5\examples\adjacencytree\byroot_tree_1.py", line 203, in main
    engineclass = TheEngine(newDataBase)
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\gavana\Desktop\SQLAlchemy-0.3.5\SQLAlchemy-0.3
.5\examples\adjacencytree\byroot_tree_1.py", line 157, in __init__
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\gavana\Desktop\SQLAlchemy-0.3.5\SQLAlchemy-0.3
.5\examples\adjacencytree\byroot_tree_1.py", line 193, in LoadNodes
    parentnode = query.get(ii)
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 61, in get
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 376, in _get
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 384, in _select_sta
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 316, in execute
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\query.py", line 335, in instances
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 1258, in _instance

  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 1439, in append_re
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 1456, in _do
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 1439, in append_re
  File "build\bdist.win32\egg\sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.py", line 1456, in _do
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\gavana\Desktop\SQLAlchemy-0.3.5\SQLAlchemy-0.3
.5\examples\adjacencytree\byroot_tree_1.py", line 91, in append_result
    parentnode = selectcontext.identity_map[mapper.identity_key(instance.parent_
KeyError: (<class '__main__.TreeNode'>, (1,), None)

I know I am doing something really stupid, but I don't know how to fix
it. I obviously need a "physical" database, not an in-memory, and I
would like to be able to load the data after I saved them. I am sorry
for my poor knowledge of SQLAlchemy, I just started.

Thank you for your suggestions.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

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"""a more advanced example of basic_tree.py.  treenodes can now reference their 
"root" node, and
introduces a new selection method which selects an entire tree of nodes at 
once, taking 
advantage of a custom MapperExtension to assemble incoming nodes into their 
correct structure."""

import os
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedDict

class TreeData(object):
    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self.id = None
        self.value = value
    def __repr__(self):
        return "TreeData(%s, %s)" % (repr(self.id), repr(self.value))

class NodeList(OrderedDict):
    """subclasses OrderedDict to allow usage as a list-based property."""
    def append(self, node):
        self[node.name] = node
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.values())

class TreeNode(object):
    """a hierarchical Tree class, which adds the concept of a "root node".  The 
root is 
    the topmost node in a tree, or in other words a node whose parent ID is 
    All child nodes that are decendents of a particular root, as well as a root 
node itself, 
    reference this root node.  
    this is useful as a way to identify all nodes in a tree as belonging to a 
    identifiable root.  Any node can return its root node and therefore the 
"tree" that it 
    belongs to, and entire trees can be selected from the database in one 
query, by 
    identifying their common root ID."""
    def __init__(self, name):
        """for data integrity, a TreeNode requires its name to be passed as a 
        to its constructor, so there is no chance of a TreeNode that doesnt 
have a name."""
        self.name = name
        self.children = NodeList()
        self.root = self
        self.parent = None
        self.id = None
        self.data =None
        self.parent_id = None
    def _set_root(self, root):
        self.root = root
        for c in self.children:
    def append(self, node):
        if isinstance(node, str):
            node = TreeNode(node)
        node.parent = self
    def __repr__(self):
        return self._getstring(0, False)
    def __str__(self):
        return self._getstring(0, False)
    def _getstring(self, level, expand = False):
        s = ('  ' * level) + "%s (%s,%s,%s, %d): %s" % (self.name, 
self.id,self.parent_id,self.root_id, id(self), repr(self.data)) + '\n'
        if expand:
            s += ''.join([n._getstring(level+1, True) for n in 
        return s
    def print_nodes(self):
        return self._getstring(0, True)

class TreeLoader(MapperExtension):
    """an extension that will plug-in additional functionality to the Mapper."""
    def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance):
        """runs after the insert of a new TreeNode row.  The primary key of the 
row is not determined
        until the insert is complete, since most DB's use autoincrementing 
columns.  If this node is
        the root node, we will take the new primary key and update it as the 
value of the node's 
        "root ID" as well, since its root node is itself."""
        if instance.root is instance:
            instance.root_id = instance.id

    def append_result(self, mapper, selectcontext, row, instance, identitykey, 
result, isnew):
        """runs as results from a SELECT statement are processed, and newly 
created or already-existing
        instances that correspond to each row are appended to result lists.  
This method will only
        append root nodes to the result list, and will attach child nodes to 
their appropriate parent
        node as they arrive from the select results.  This allows a SELECT 
statement which returns
        both root and child nodes in one query to return a list of "roots"."""
        if instance.parent_id is None:
            if isnew or populate_existing:
                parentnode = 
        # fire off lazy loader before the instance is part of the session
        return False

class TheEngine(object):

    def __init__(self, newDataBase=True):

        if newDataBase and os.path.isfile("tutorial_modified.db"):
        self.engine = create_engine('sqlite:///tutorial_modified.db', 
        metadata = BoundMetaData(self.engine)

        """create the treenodes table.  This is ia basic adjacency list model 
        One additional column, "root_node_id", references a "root node" row and 
is used
        in the 'byroot_tree' example."""

        trees = Table('treenodes', metadata,
            Column('node_id', Integer, 
Sequence('treenode_id_seq',optional=False), primary_key=True),
            Column('parent_node_id', Integer, ForeignKey('treenodes.node_id'), 
            Column('root_node_id', Integer, ForeignKey('treenodes.node_id'), 
            Column('node_name', String(50), nullable=False),
            Column('data_ident', Integer, ForeignKey('treedata.data_id'))

        treedata = Table(
            "treedata", metadata, 
            Column('data_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
            Column('value', String(100), nullable=False)


        # the mapper is created with properties that specify "lazy=None" - this 
is because we are going 
        # to handle our own "eager load" of nodes based on root id
        mapper(TreeNode, trees, 
remote_side=trees.c.node_id, lazy=None, uselist=False),
uselist=True, cascade="delete,save-update",
treedata, properties=dict(id=treedata.c.data_id)),
cascade="delete,delete-orphan,save-update", lazy=False)),
               extension = TreeLoader())

        self.session = create_session()

        if newDataBase:
            print "\n\nNew Database: creating random nodes...\n"
            # AG: Please look at the next method: select returns an empty list, 
            # we *know* the node called "node3" exists!
            print "New Database: checking what select() is returning:"
            print "\n\nExisting Database: just look what happens...\n"
            # AG: This method throws an impossible error when loading from an 
            # database!

    def CreateNodes(self):

        # AG: just create some random nodes
        node2 = TreeNode('node2')
        node = TreeNode('rootnode')
        node.children['node3'].data = TreeData('node 3s data')
        node.children['node1'].data = TreeData('node 1s data')

        # AG: I am calling save AND flush everywhere, but that doesn't help

    def CheckIfSelectWorks(self):
        # load some nodes.  we do this based on "root id" which will load an 
entire sub-tree in one pass.
        # the MapperExtension will assemble the incoming nodes into a tree 
        t = self.session.query(TreeNode).select(TreeNode.c.name=="subsubnode1", 
        print "==> Select Returns:", t, " <== An empty list!!\n\n"

    def LoadNodes(self):

        query = self.session.query(TreeNode)
        count = query.count()
        for ii in xrange(1, count+1):
            parentnode = query.get(ii)
            print parentnode.name        

# AG: Just modify this variable, the first time to create a new
# database use True, then use False to see what happens by
# loading the existing database
newDataBase = True

def main():
    engineclass = TheEngine(newDataBase)

if __name__ == "__main__":


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