just my point of view:
generatively, i would probably do .in_( somelist ), where somelist is 
a variable, and it will work fine until that list gets empty. If that 
happens frequently, okay, i'll know soon about it and fix it/avoid 
it, but if it's once in a blue moon, u'll get one more disappointed 
SA user ;0(.
And if that list is a bindparam, it gets even harder to check/guess.

> On Apr 11, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Ants Aasma wrote:
> > b) produce IN () SQL
> > + 1:1 mapping between python and sql
> > - most databases will give obscure errors, possibly far away from
> > source of error
> well i dont think it would be a hard error to track down.  the ORM
> doesnt use in_() so if an in_() happens, its because a user used it
> in their own code.
> > - different behaviour between databases
> it would raise an error on most but SA tries to support DB
> idiosyncracies, like SQLite's accepting it
> > c) do a natural extension of SQL IN syntax
> > + makes user code simpler in non negligible amount of cases
> agreed
> > + behaves the same in all databases
> agreed, as long as we know that saying "somecolumn != somecolumn"
> is valid and produces False on all dbs (including
> frequent-offenders firebird and ms-sql) ?  (thats how you
> interpreted IN (), right ?)
> > - some one could possibly expect different semantics
> yup, thats what im hoping to avoid.  im still concerned we're just
> "guessing" here, and when users are surprised, its SA's job (i.e.
> mine, usually...) to then explain/justify
> but overall, i dont care much either way so leave my vote out of
> this one.

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