On Apr 12, 6:37 pm, svilen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how about whatever.in() -> (whatever and False)
> maybe problem with Null then?
(null and false) gives false, so not(null and false) is true. This
means that not_(col.in_()) returns all rows, while
not_(col.in_(nonexistantvalue)) returns all that are not null. One
other option would be to return
_BooleanExpression(self._compare_self(), null(), '=', negate='IS
NOT'). The only problem is and edge case when someone uses an in_ with
an comparison expression like so: col.in_() == False. This should
return a list of non-null entries to be consistent, but instead
returns an empty list. IMHO the expected behaviour is quite clear in
all cases - just use the standard SQL idioms and relational idioms,
comparison with null is null and no value is in an empty list. The
CASE WHEN expr IS null THEN null ELSE false END expresses it quite
nicely. The comparison is there to satisfy Oracle Firebird and Mssql,
which don't like plain case expressions in where. I'd say that it
makes the API conceptually simpler by removing a special case at the
expense of some minor (compared to some other constructs that SA ORM
emits) confusion when deciphering produced SQL statements.

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