Hi Michael,

I don't know when the following problem began, but anyway, I've tested
it with rev.2672 and the problem persists....

Having this script:

from sqlalchemy import *

db = create_engine("firebird://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]//database.fdb")
metadata = BoundMetaData(db)

pessoa_table = Table('pessoa', metadata,
    Column('pes_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('pes_data', DateTime),
    Column('pes_nome', String(30)),
    Column('pes_sobrenome', String(30)),
    Column('pes_idade', Integer))

s = pessoa_table.select()
u = pessoa_table.update()
i = pessoa_table.insert()

...and trying to print s, u and i in the shell, it gives me:

>>> print s
SELECT pessoa.pes_id, pessoa.pes_data, pessoa.pes_nome,
pessoa.pes_sobrenome, pessoa.pes_idade
FROM pessoa

>>> print u
UPDATE pessoa SET pes_id=?, pes_data=?, pes_nome=?, pes_sobrenome=?, pes_idade=?

>>> print i
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
    print i
  File "d:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\sql.py", line 1225, in __str__
    return unicode(self.compile()).encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
  File "d:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\sql.py", line 1221, in compile
  File "d:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\sql.py", line 1032, in compile
  File "d:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\sql.py", line 877, in traverse
  File "d:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\sql.py", line 3082, in accept_visitor
  File "d:\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\databases\firebird.py", line 324,
in visit_insert
    if not self.parameters.has_key(c.key):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_key'

The strange thing is that I am able to execute the insert statement:

>>> i.execute(pes_id=777)
<sqlalchemy.engine.base.ResultProxy object at 0x016A3310>

I am also having another problem with firebird, which may be related
to this problem or not... I'll send other message to describe it...


PS: I've done the same tests with Postgresql and it run fine....

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