
I think this is a pretty good match for Joined Table polymorphic
inheritance, as described in the docs
ritance_joined>. Your nodes_table would correspond to the employees
table, and the 'subclass' tables such as video correspond to the
engineers table. Your foreign key problem is solved by giving the video
table a foreign key pointing back to the node table, instead of the
other way round.

I think of adjacency lists and nested sets as more about hierarchies of
a single type of object (imagine trying to represent a family tree with
a row for each Person). I don't really think they're relevant in this

Hope that helps,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexandre CONRAD
> Sent: 03 August 2007 10:44
> To: sqlalchemy
> Subject: [sqlalchemy] Hierachical data
> Hello,
> this is more a general database question rather than a SA 
> one, but maybe 
> someone has already achieve this with SA. I know there's a 
> small chapter 
> about this already in the SA docs (1), but as far as I 
> understood, this 
> is about the "Adjacency List" model and not about the "Nested Set" 
> model. This article (2) explains about both approches and the "Nested 
> Set" model would suite better my needs I think.
> Maybe this should need some attention to implement in SA some API to 
> handle nodes (insert, move, remove) of herachical trees in SA the 
> "Nested Set" way.
> Right now I have a playlist management application that is 
> XML-based. So 
> a playlist has many nodes that either represent media 
> elements ("video", 
> "image") or classification elements ("group"):
> <main>
>    <video>intro.avi</video>
>    <group datein="20070701" dateout="20070731">
>      <video>foo.avi</video>
>      <video>bar.avi</video>
>    </group>
>    <group>
>      <video>weather_intro.avi</video>
>      <image duration="5" start="0000" stop="1159">morning.jpg</image>
>      <image duration="5" start="1200" 
> stop="2359">afternoon.jpg</image>
>      <video>brought_to_you_by.avi</video>
>      <media_list pick_style="random" pick_many="1">
>        <video>brand_A.avi</video>
>        <video>brand_B.avi</video>
>        <video dateout="20071231">brand_C.avi</video>
>      </media_list>
>    </group>
>    <video>outro.avi</video>
> </main>
> You can understand that the playlist has the ability to store 
> different 
> types of medias (images, videos), some group elements used for 
> classification, can apply some scheduling data to any elements as 
> attributes.
> So I'm looking foward to integrate this hierarchical tree in a flat 
> database.
> Basicly, I'd have a "playlist" to hold the main playlist:
> playlist_table = Table('playlists', meta,
>      Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>      Column('name', Unicode(20), nullable=False),
>      Column('description', Unicode(40)),
> )
> Then an "nodes" table to store every type of nodes (group, 
> video, image) 
> and some scheduling attributes.
> nodes_table = Table('nodes', meta,
>      Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>      Column('typeof', Unicode(20), nullable=False),
>      Column('foreign_id', Integer),
>      Column('lft', Integer, nullable=False), # For "Nested Set" model
>      Column('rgt', Integer, nullable=False), # For "Nested Set" model
>      Column('scheduled_from', DateTime),
>      Column('scheduled_until', DateTime),
>      Column('id_playlist', None, ForeignKey('playlists.id')),
> )
> Every row would store "group", "video" or "image" in the 
> 'typeof' field 
> to identify the type of node. And the id of the media would be in the 
> 'foreign_id' field. 'typeof' and 'foreign_id' are the two 
> field I don't 
> feel clean about.
> Lets finish with the "videos" table for the example:
> videos_table = Table('videos', meta,
>      Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>      Column('file_name', Unicode(255), nullable=False),
>      Column('category', Unicode(255), nullable=False),
>      Column('duration', Integer),
>      Column('id_codec', None, ForeignKey('codecs.id')),
> )
> As the "nodes" table would need to point to different tables 
> to find the 
> corresponding media, I couldn't have a foreign key for a natural 
> relation. Or I would need to have as many foreign keys in the "nodes" 
> table (id_video, id_image, ...) and only fill in the nedded 
> column. But 
> this is not efficient.
> The whole idea is about browing down my tree through python objects 
> attributes like SA already does so well when two tables are 
> related to 
> each other, but returning a different type of object depending on the 
> kind of node I hit.
> class Node(object):
>      ...
> class Video(Node):
>      ...
> class Image(Node):
>      ...
> Any ideas one how I could deal with that would be greatly 
> appreciated. I 
> hope this is clear enough to not scare people from reading 
> it. At least 
> if you got there, it's a good point. :)
> ps: I just felt on the docs about "Concrete Inheritance, Polymorphic" 
> (3), maybe this could be something to dig for ?
> (1) 
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/documentation.html#advdatamappi
> ng_selfreferential
> (2) 
> http://www.vbmysql.com/articles/database-design/managing-hiera
> rchical-data-in-mysql/
> (3)http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/documentation.html#advdatama
> Regards,
> -- 
> Alexandre CONRAD
> > 

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