> you should be able to say:
> table = Table('account_stuff', metadata,
>    Column('account_id', Integer, ForeignKey('account_ids.account_id'),
> primary_key=True),
>    autoload=True)

That doesn't appear to work unfortunately. When I load the db and
create the two tables and then attempt to do a join:

join(account_ids_table, account_stuff_table)

I get the error:
<class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.ArgumentError'>: Can't determine join
between 'account_ids' and 'account_stuff'; tables have more than one
foreign key constraint relationship between them. Please specify the
'onclause' of this join explicitly.

Looking at account_stuff_table.foreign_keys I have:


I'm guessing the load duplicated the key. Although I only have two
columns looking at list(account_stuff.c)



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