> > orm.util.AliasedClauses._create_row_adapter()
> >     class AliasedRowAdapter( object):
> >  1. can't this be made as standalone class, returning an
> > instance, initialized with the map, which is then __call__()ed ?
> is it faster to say "self.map" or to say "map" from locals() ?  its
> probably not very crucial either way.
well.. u save on class' creation :-), get a class that "could be used 
elsewhere", and eventualy more obvious code - runtime outer-namespace 
bindings in python are veeery strange beasts sometimes, with funny 
side effects.

> >  2. this can be faster if:
> >     a) has_key = __contains__ #instead of yet another funccall
> >     b) __getitem__ uses try except instead of double lookup key
> > in map
> im not sure try/except is faster here - im pretty sure a missing
> key is likely and exception throws are very expensive.  would be
> worth a try to see if the missing key exception actually occurs
> here.
i'll have to check, last 3 years i've being doing everything assuming 
that a (lookup:exception) is faster than 
(lookup-if-lookup:lookup-else) in both attribute and dict lookups. 
Plus that a function call is the most expensive python thing ever... 
apart of repeated a.x a.x a.x attribute access. hmmmm time to measure 
the myths.

> > -------
> > orm.attribute
> >   AttributeManager.init_attr():
> >     the saving this one eventualy does is too small, compared to
> > a property call of ._state.
> i havent benched this in a while but my recollection is that the
> AttributeError raise is *much* slower than pre-calling this method.
> a single function call is always faster than an exception throw.
> however, i see that the exception throw is being suppressed also
> with a hasattr() being called every time....im not sure why thats
> that way now so i might change it back to throwing AttributeError.
> >  btw: cant that ._state property be removed alltogether (i.e.
> > made a plain attribute? then init_attr() MUST be there seting it
> > up as plain dict.
> it should be named something non-collisionworthy such as the
> current _sa_attr_state.
the only gain from the property is that it is readonly, i.e. 
obj._state = None is not allowed (as well as del'ete). But i can do 
obj._sa_attr_state = None (and all goes to hell). If that property 
disappears alltogether, we are left with a plain _sa_attr_state 
attribute, which can be now set to None and deleted... which is more 
or less same as before less the complications with the property.
Fair trade, no?

> > -------
> > util:
> >   ThreadLocal:
> >    - wouldnt be faster if the key in the _tdict is tuple(id,key)
> > and not some formatted string off these? or the key is
> > nonhashable?
> good catch, should be patched
> >    - the engine/threadlocal.TLEngine._session() issues a
> > hasattr() on such object. how does it actualy work? IMO it always
> > fails
> patch which includes a test case to add into test/engine/
> transaction.py would be welcome

i've never used these so no much idea what to do here - was just 
passing code along my eyeline.

will prepare some patches for the other things.


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