I'd prefer to catch some more specific exceptions even though they'd
never be generated by most backends rather than decoding SQLSTATE and
use if-s or other dispatching method based on what this variable/
exception attribute holds.

On Sep 12, 1:17 pm, jason kirtland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ANSI defines the SQLSTATE error codes for portable errors.  I think
> there is SQLSTATE support in most of the databases SQLAlchemy supports
> (but none in SQLite that I can find), and the error code should be
> available via db-api either directly (pyscopg2, mysql-python, at
> minimum) or can parsed out of the text error message.
> SQLSTATE is a structured 5 char string that embeds the class of error.
> You could, say, examine just the first two chars to find out that the
> error is some kind of constraint violation, or consider the whole code
> to see that it's a specific duplicate key error.
> But like everything else sql, database vendors seem to vary in their
> support.  Not all database errors are mapped or even mappable at all to
> a defined condition in the sql spec.  So even the standard SQLSTATE
> codes don't seem to be useful in practice as much more than a hint,
> albeit a much better hint than anything else available.
> That said, I'm +1 on having SQLSTATE and the error message string
> available as standard attributes on the DBAPIError wrapper.  I'm -1 on
> also providing attribute access to the database's internal error number
> or code.
> I don't think I'd be enthusiastic about any proposal to actually modify
> the type of exception based on the SQLSTATE or error code, at least not
> until the magic day when all databases raise consistent errors.  Until
> then, shadowing the db-api exception type as we do now feels like the
> path of least surprise.
> Michael Bayer wrote:
> > we do want to get error code availability into our exception classes
> > (still waiting for any DBAPIs besides psycopg2 to provide these with
> > no parsing requirement), and there are some cases where we want to
> > evaulate an exception to discern it from others (such as detecting
> > database timeouts), but the level of "magic" (i.e., you get some
> > magic SQLAlchemy error which you cant google for, has less fine-
> > grained detail than the actual DB error, user database errors now
> > become SQLAlchemy issues) as well as the huge maintenance problem
> > this approach would bring (DBAPIs are totally inconsistent, changing
> > all the time, etc) would be a lot more trouble than its worth, as far
> > as it being built-in, default behavior.  The number of exception
> > concepts that are truly portable is relatively low (like duplicate
> > key), so any such functionality I'd say would have to remain as an
> > electable.
> > On Sep 12, 2007, at 11:30 AM, askel wrote:
> >> Hello everybody,
> >> I was wondering why neither DBAPI nor SA define standard exceptions
> >> like "Duplicate key error". It seems to be no portable way to catch
> >> this situations and give user more sensible error messages than just
> >> "We are failed to insert a new record". And using exception
> >> information to generate error messages make it even more confusing for
> >> regular (non-Pythonic :) ) people. Since SA dialects deal with
> >> implementation details wouldn't it be natural to have them translate
> >> DBAPI exceptions to something more usable as well?
> >> Cheers

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