>> I think this would be a great feature to have because there are  
>> many use
>> cases in my application (mainly displaying/processing tables) where I
>> don't want/need the overhead of the instrumentation (and it really  
>> does
>> add quite a bit), but would still love the excellent mapping abilities
>> (i.e have fully hydrated domain objects rather then ResultProxy).
> I think theres still going to be a lot of overhead even without  
> instrumentation.  anyway, this would be an enormous amount of effort  
> to establish and also to keep test coverage going, and would probably  
> be a significant complication to the internals.  Id rather focus on  
> making our current, single approach faster and better (note that 0.4  
> uses about half the method call overhead of 0.3 for load operations).
fair enough. I think I'm just a big fan of the ORM load features, but 
not of the (cascading) flush (save/update/delete) features. I am a 
control freak when it comes to the database. There was a stage when I 
did not like the sql generated from the ORM load as well, but recently 
(not sure which version) the sql it generates is almost ;-) as good as 
the one i write by hand

> If you want, just create a rudimentary object creation layer over the  
> normal SQL constructs.  It would be more appropriate for this to be  
> something entirely separate from the existing orm module.
I was thinking along these lines. I am going to study your 
query.instances to get some hints

Thanks for all the help.


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