ugh can you attach a zipfile please, they came out inline

On Nov 6, 2007, at 5:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> sorry, here the files
>> hi.
>> i have somewhat messy setup (~test case), about association with
>> intermediate table/class, double pointing to one side and single
>> pointing to another. i do set up both A-links in one item; and set up
>> only first in another item, the other link (a2_link) is pre-set to  
>> None.
>> And, i have the error below since r3695.
>> The error seems to disappear if i do not explicitly initiate the  
>> a2_link
>> to None - dont touch it or set to some object.
>> Any idea what's wrong?
>> ...
>>  File "/home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 91, in  
>> execute
>>    rule.execute(source, dest, obj, child, clearkeys)
>>  File "/home/az/src/dbcook/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 139, in  
>> execute
>>    raise exceptions.AssertionError("Dependency rule tried to blank- 
>> out
>> primary key column '%s' on instance '%s'" % (str(self.dest_column),
>> mapperutil.instance_str(dest)))
>> sqlalchemy.exceptions.AssertionError: Dependency rule tried to  
>> blank-out
>> primary key column 'IntermediateAB.a2_link_id' on instance
> >
> from sa_gentestbase import *
> setup()
> Base.__repr__ = Base.__str__
> #===============
> #PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/..:/home/az/src/hor-trunk python mapper/ 
> -v generate
> #config: db=, debug=, default_lazy=False, echo=False,  
> force_lazy=False, generate=True, log_sa=, lower_pu=True
> #========= generated SA set-up
> t = Test_SA( 'setUp' )
> t.setUp()
> meta = t.meta
> table_A = Table( 'A', meta,
>    Column( 'name', String, ),
>    Column( 'db_id',   primary_key= True,   type_= Integer, ),
> )
> table_B = Table( 'B', meta,
>    Column( 'name', String, ),
>    Column( 'db_id',   primary_key= True,   type_= Integer, ),
> )
> table_IntermediateAB = Table( 'IntermediateAB', meta,
>    Column( 'color', String, ),
>    Column( 'a_link_id', Integer, ForeignKey( 'A.db_id', ),    
> nullable= False,   primary_key= True, ),
>    Column( 'a2_link_id', Integer, ForeignKey( 'A.db_id', ),    
> nullable= True,   primary_key= True, ),
>    Column( 'b_boza_id', Integer, ForeignKey( 'B.db_id', ),    
> nullable= False,   primary_key= True, ),
> )
> meta.create_all()
> class A( Base):
>    props = ['db_id', 'name']
> class B( Base):
>    props = ['db_id', 'name']
> class IntermediateAB( Base):
>    props = ['db_id', 'color', 'a_link', 'a2_link', 'b_boza']
> mapper_A = mapper( A, table_A,)
> mapper_A.add_property( 'all_ab', relation( IntermediateAB,
>            #collection_class= <bound method type._CollectionFactory  
> of <class '__main__.IntermediateAB'>>,
>            lazy= True,
>            primaryjoin= table_IntermediateAB.c.a_link_id ==  
> table_A.c.db_id,
>            remote_side= table_IntermediateAB.c.a_link_id,
>            uselist= True,
>            ) )
> mapper_B = mapper( B, table_B,)
> mapper_IntermediateAB = mapper( IntermediateAB,  
> table_IntermediateAB, allow_null_pks=True)
> mapper_IntermediateAB.add_property( 'a_link', relation( A,
>            foreign_keys= table_IntermediateAB.c.a_link_id,
>            lazy= False,
>            primaryjoin= table_IntermediateAB.c.a_link_id ==  
> table_A.c.db_id,
>            remote_side= table_A.c.db_id,
>            uselist= False,
>            ) )
> mapper_IntermediateAB.add_property( 'a2_link', relation( A,
>            foreign_keys= table_IntermediateAB.c.a2_link_id,
>            lazy= False,
>            primaryjoin= table_IntermediateAB.c.a2_link_id ==  
> table_A.c.db_id,
>            remote_side= table_A.c.db_id,
>            uselist= False,
>            ) )
> mapper_IntermediateAB.add_property( 'b_boza', relation( B,
>            foreign_keys= table_IntermediateAB.c.b_boza_id,
>            lazy= False,
>            primaryjoin= table_IntermediateAB.c.b_boza_id ==  
> table_B.c.db_id,
>            remote_side= table_B.c.db_id,
>            uselist= False,
>            ) )
> ####################
> #############
> a  = A( name= 'a1')
> a3 = A( name= 'a3')
> b1 = B( name= 'b1' )
> b2 = B( name= 'b2' )
> a.all_ab.append( IntermediateAB( b_boza= b1, color='green', a2_link  
> = a3) )
> a.all_ab.append( IntermediateAB( b_boza= b2, color='rrrr',
>    a2_link = a3       #XXX
> ) )
> print '1111', [i.b_boza for i in a.all_ab]
> s= create_session()
> for z in locals().values():
>    if isinstance( z, Base):
> s.flush()
> s.clear()
> for t in table_B, table_A, table_IntermediateAB:
>    print t,':', str( list( ))
> s= create_session()
> aa = s.query( A ).filter_by(name='a1').first()
> print aa
> print 'xxxxxxx'
> l = [i.b_boza for i in aa.all_ab]
> print '2222', l
> assert len(l) ==2
> #expected output:
> #1111 [B/id=None( name=b1 ), B/id=None( name=b2 )]
> #=== whole database:
> #<class '__main__.B'> : [(u'b1', 1), (u'b2', 2)]
> #<class '__main__.A'> : [(None, u'a3', 1), (None, u'a1', 2)]
> #<class '__main__.IntermediateAB'> : [(None, u'green', 2, 1, 1),  
> (None, u'rrrr', 2, None, 2)]
> #A/id=2( name=a1 )
> #xxxxxxx
> #2222 [B/id=1( name=b1 ), B/id=2( name=b2 )]
> #$Id: 127 2007-10-26 09:46:54Z svilen_dobrev $
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> #see
> class Base( object):
>    'with __init__(kwargs) and nice/non-recursive str()'
>    def __init__( me, **kargs):
>        for k,v in kargs.iteritems(): setattr( me, k, v)
>    props = [ 'id' ]  #[...]
>    props4ref = props + [ 'name' ]
>    def __str__( obj, props =None):
>        klas = obj.__class__
>        r = klas.__name__ + '('
>        for k in props or klas.props:
>            v = getattr( obj, k, '<notset>')
>            if isinstance( v, Base):
>                v = '>' + v.__str__( klas.props4ref)
>            r += ' '+k+'='+str(v)
>        return r+' )'
> class config:
>    echo = False
>    dump = False
>    debug = False
>    log_sa = False
>    session_clear = True
>    reuse_db = False
>    leak = False
>    memory = False
>    db = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
>    repeat = 1
> #_mem = ''
> def memusage():
>    import os
>    pid = os.getpid()
>    m = ''
>    for l in file( '/proc/%(pid)s/status' % locals() ):
>        l = l.strip()
>        for k in 'VmPeak VmRSS VmData'.split():
>            if l.startswith(k):
>                m += '; '+l
>    if m: print m
> #            global _mem
> #            if _mem != m:
> #                _mem = m
> #                print m
> import unittest
> class Test_SA( unittest.TestCase):
>    _db = None
>    def setUp(me):
>        if config.debug or config.echo:
>            print '=====',
>        if config.reuse_db and me._db:
>            db = me._db
>        else:
>            db = create_engine( config.db)
>            if config.reuse_db:
>                me._db = db
>        format ='* SA: %(levelname)s %(message)s'
>        #plz no timestamps!
>        if config.log_sa:
>            import logging
>            logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format=format,  
> stream =logging.sys.stdout)
>            logging.getLogger( 'sqlalchemy').setLevel( logging.DEBUG)  
> #debug EVERYTHING!
>        me.db = db
>        db.echo = config.echo
>        me.meta = MetaData( db)
>    def tearDown(me):
>        me.meta.drop_all()
>        me.meta = None
>        #destroy ALL caches
>        clear_mappers()
>        if not config.reuse_db:
>            me.db.dispose()
>        me.db = None
>        if config.leak:
>            import gc
>            gc.set_debug( gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE | gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL |  
>            gc.collect()
>            import sqlalchemy
>            print "MAPPER REG:",  
> len( dict(sqlalchemy.orm.mapperlib.mapper_registry) )
>            print "SESION REG:",  
> len( dict(sqlalchemy.orm.session._sessions) )
>            print "CLASSKEYS:",   
> len( dict(sqlalchemy.util.ArgSingleton.instances) )
>            i = 0
>            for x in gc.get_objects():
>                if isinstance(x, sqlalchemy.orm.mapperlib.Mapper) or  
> isinstance(x, MetaData):
>                    i+=1
>                    #print x
>            print 'gc/SA objects:', i
>    def query( me, session, expects, idname ='id'):
>        if config.debug:
>            print 'items:'
>            for item in expects:
>                print item['exp_single']
>        if config.dump:
>            print 'tables:'
>            for item in expects:
>                for x in item['table'].select().execute():
>                    print item['table'], ':', x
>        for item in expects:
>            me.query1( session, idname=idname, **item)
>    def query1( me, session, idname, klas, table, oid, exp_single,  
> exp_multi):
>        if config.session_clear: session.clear()
>        #single
>        q = session.query( klas).filter_by( **{idname: oid}).first()
>        me.assertEqual( exp_single, str(q),
>                klas.__name__+'.getby_'+idname+'():\n result= %(q)s\n  
> expect= %(exp_single)s' % locals()
>            )
>        if config.session_clear: session.clear()
>        #multiple
>        q = session.query( klas)
>        x = [ str(z) for z in q ]
>        x.sort()
>        exp_multi.sort()
>        me.assertEqual( exp_multi, x,
>                klas.__name__+'.select():\n result= %(x)s\n expect= % 
> (exp_multi)s' % locals()
>            )
>    def run( self, *a, **k):
>        for i in range( config.repeat):
>   self, *a,**k)
>            if config.memory: memusage()
> help = 'echo dump debug log_sa no_session_clear reuse_db leak memory'
> def setup():
>    import sys
> #    sys.setrecursionlimit( 600)
>    for h in ['help', '-h', '--help']:
>        if h in sys.argv:
>            print 'options:', help
>    for k in help.split():
>        v = k in sys.argv
>        if v: sys.argv.remove(k)
>        if k.startswith('no_'):
>            k = k[3:]
>            v = not v
>        setattr( config, k, v)
>    for a in sys.argv[1:]:
>        kv = a.split('=')
>        if len(kv)==2:
>            k,v = kv
>            if k=='db':
>                config.db = v
>            elif k=='repeat':
>                config.repeat = int(v)
>            else: continue
>            sys.argv.remove(a)
>    print 'config:', ', '.join( '%s=%s' % (k,v) for k,v in  
> config.__dict__.iteritems() if not k.startswith('__') )
> # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab

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