Well, Michael, what you say sounds reasonable. However, I think
something more strange is going on (unless I am making a very stupid
mistake, which is entirely likely)

I am using the current pylons framework. I have tried to follow their
recommendations to the letter. All of my queries are in a single file,
and all use the single "Session" global variable created by
scoped_session() for the session.

I have created test cases (inside the framework) to isolate what is
happening. I then exercise them by posting scads of http requests from
multiple processes to the paster server. Currently, I am using a test
run of 10 concurrent processes each sending 1000 requests.

The errors seem to be specific to a *table*.

Here's an example - 2 tables author_t, and keyword_t

author_t = Table('author', meta,
                 Column('authorkey', Unicode(35), primary_key=True),
                 Column('lastname', Unicode),
                 Column('firstname', Unicode),
keyword_t = Table('keyword', meta,
                  Column('word', Unicode(20), primary_key = True),
                  Column('stem', Unicode(20)),
                  Column('freq', Integer),

1. when I do the following, *never* have seen the error ("keyword" set
to a unicode string):

s1 = select([keyword_t.c.word,],
                keyword_t.c.word == keyword)

 keyword = Session.execute(s1).fetchone()

2. However, when I do the following, I *always* find errors in a run
("authorkey" set to a u string):

 s1 = select([author_t.c.authorkey,],
                author_t.c.authorkey == authorkey)

 author = Session.execute(s1).fetchone()

So I am totally confused. What I am doing should be very simple. The
tables are simple. The relations are simple.

Can you shed any light?????

Thanks a million for your help.


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