Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
> Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
>> I would like to change SA to support the embedded version of Firebird SQL.
>> I am close but the process does not terminate correctly (i.e. I have to 
>> kill it), so I am obviously missing something.
> Just noticed that I can also use this:
> dburl = sa.engine.url.URL('firebird', username='USERNAME', 
> password='pw', database=fileurl)
> Which means firebird.py does not need to be patched, however I still see 
> the same problem that the process hangs.
As the version of FB is 2.1beta I wondered if maybe there is an issue 
with it, so I just did a test with kinterbasdb directly (no SA), but 
that works correctly and the program terminates/closes correctly too.

Best regards

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