Does anyone know where I could find a working example of multiple 
levels of inheritance using joined table inheritance?

Right now I have the following class hierarchy - an AspectDetection 
and an RFDetection are subclasses of Detection, which in turn is a 
subclass of Event.  Each of the classes has its own DB table, and an 
object can be simply an Event or a Detection.  I've tried mapping 
these classes together using the following code:

detection_join = detection.outerjoin(aspect_detection).outerjoin(rf_detection)
event_join = detection_join.outerjoin(event)

event_mapper = mapper(Event, event, select_table=event_join, 
polymorphic_on=event.c.discriminator, polymorphic_identity='event')
detection_mapper = mapper(Detection, detection, 
polymorphic_on=detection.c.discriminator, inherits=event_mapper, 
mapper(AspectDetection, aspect_detection, inherits=detection_mapper, 
mapper(RFDetection, rf_detection, inherits=detection_mapper, 

However, I get some bizarre behavior - the discriminator field of the 
Event class is NULL in every line in the database, and whenever I run 
the following query -

detections = session.query(Detection).all()

- I get a list of objects that all have whose ID and Event-related 
field values are identical to the first Detection entered.  However, 
the field values for the Detection object appear to be retrieved correctly.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or does anyone have an example of 
working multi-level inheritance using joined tables?

Chris Guin 

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