Rick Morrison escreveu:
> So now I'm of two minds about which module to use and if I should use
> a schema or not for these porposes.

There's a few arcane limitations when using the pymssql module, pyodbc
will be better-supported going into the future. As for using schema vs.
other namespace tricks, that's up to you. I would stick with schemas -
SA includes good schema support.

Got it!

> had a broken exception message

Does anyone know what the story is with pyodbc and mangled tracebacks? That sounds kind of disturbing, like a corrupted stack or otherwise scrambled frame data inside of the Python interpreter.

To be honest, I was hoping that someone would whack me over the head and tell me it's a local problem... So you've seen the same problem, yes? I'll try and install everything in a clean VM, but not today.

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