Someone has recently made this claim without any supporting evidence, and I responded with an example of the compiler/ORM running against Oracle, truncating a long generated name, which had been aliased twice, into a properly truncated name, results returned just fine. This is a very actively developed feature of SQLA and it has a ton of unit tests. Without trac tickets there's no bugs as far as I know.
It might be that this has been fixed in the latest version?
The patches are against  SQLAlchemy 0.4.5 btw.

that just creates more work for us. Please make your patches against the latest version of the 0.4 maintenance branch checked out from SVN.
This was the version that was current when our project begun, and which we have been working on.

I will make an effort to port them to the latest version before posting them to trac.

P.S. I could send you the patches privately if you want - I don't want to spam the whole list w 16kb of tgz that most people wouldn't care about...

I would *greatly* appreciate if all discussion of SQLA implementation/ bugs be kept public, and bugs are dealt with in trac tickets, which accept patches as attachments. This is an open source project and when patches are made in secret and kept privately, you work against the entire thing.
No worries - I did not intend to keep things /secret in any way/. Maybe I should not have offered the patches in that way in the PS. I nearly attached the whole tgz och patch-files to the mail to help the thread originator ASAP, and then realized that maybe that'd be rather impolite to most people on the list - most people might not be very interrested in the code, and might not want 16kb of "junk" in their inbox. So I removed it and added the PS.

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