use keywordargs as dictionary, i.e.
...query.filter( **kwargs)
where the kwargs are a dict made by u containing only the required 
fields. e.g. 

if foo_id: kwargs['fooid']=fooid
u can make it more generic (but more dangerous) by passing any kwargs 
coming to your func straight down to filter():

def myfunc( self, whateverotherstuff, **filterkwargs):
 .. query.filter( **filterkwargs)

or some combination inbetween.
dont forget that filter( ...) does AND of the criterias.


On Tuesday 15 July 2008 14:55:01 Heston James - Cold Beans wrote:
> Good morning guys,
> I'm looking for a way in which I can query my database for records
> which meet multiple, optional arguments. I'm looking to encapsulate
> access to this using a service layer, I want to create a method
> like this:
>     def get_foos(self, foo_id="", foo_firstname="",
> foo_lastname=""):
>         foos = session.query(Foo).filter_by(foo_id=foo_id,
> foo_firstname=foo_firstname, foo_lastname=foo_lastname)
>         return foos
> Now, the thing I'm struggling with is how to make all those
> attributes optional. Because at the moment I call that method like
> so:
> get_foos(foo_id=2)
> I get no results returned because SQLAlchemy is looking for records
> that not only have an id of 2 but also have a first and last name
> which is an empty string.
> What I would ideally like to do is only have it filter by the
> arguments for getfoos() which are not empty strings. This would
> allow me to build a more reusable query method.
> Is this possible? And how would one achieve it?
> Cheers,
> Heston

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