Thanks Mike for your response.

In your response you mention having my own function around
polymorphic_union and call it on every request based on the table list
in the request params. Instead it seems to me that I can construct my
union using polymorphic_union once for good (with all the tables) and
use with_polymorphic on each request.

Is my understanding correct?


2008/8/31, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Aug 31, 2008, at 4:44 PM, Eric Lemoine wrote:
>> Hello
>> Here's my case. I have 3 tables, "summits", "parkings", and "huts".
>> They all have an "elevation" column. And I want to do queries like
>> that: "the summits, parkings, and huts that are higher than 2000
>> meters", "the summits that are lower than 1000 meters", "the parkings
>> and huts that are between 500 and 2000 meters". What's to be noted is
>> that the list of tables to query isn't fixed, it actually depends on
>> some parameter in the received HTTP request.
>> The more naive approach involves doing separate queries. For example
>> if the HTTP request has tables=summits,huts, then the queries
>> s.query(Summit).filter() and s.query(Hut).filter() are performed. This
>> might not be efficient because of the separate database queries.
>> I thought about using Concrete Table Inheritance for that, but I'm not
>> sure if it can meet my "the list of tables to query varies from one
>> HTTP request to another".
>> I'd appreciate some advice and guidance on that issue.
> if the tables must be three separate tables, and not linked to a
> common "inherited" table which contains the attributes common to all
> three, then that is exactly concrete table inheritance.  The only way
> to issue SQL across all of them in one execution, whether or not you
> consider the pattern to be "concrete inheritance", is to use a UNION
> (or UNION ALL which may be more efficient).   SQLA's concrete feature
> does support linking a "base" mapper to a UNION query, and I think
> you'll find it works pretty well.    You can vary the specifics of the
> UNION which is issued for a particular Query, using the
> with_polymorphic() method (select_from() and from_statement() can work
> too).   The reason using SQLA's "inheritance" as opposed to just using
> union() by itself is advantageous, is that Query can return classes
> polymorhically, that is, it knows to return a Hut, Summit or Parking
> based on the "discriminator" column.
> There's two main issues with concrete - one is that its slightly
> awkward to construct the UNION, SQLA would like you to construct this
> query semi-manually using the "polymorphic_union" function (it can
> also be constructed using the plain union(table1, table2, ...)
> construct, polymorphic_union() is just a helper)  and this UNION query
> quickly becomes inefficient if it needs to be joined to other tables
> or nested in a subquery, for example.   Constructing it on a per-query
> basis implies you'd want to build yourself a function that can call
> polymorphic_union() with the right arguments based on an incoming set
> of classes (or tables, however your application needs to do it), so
> there's some awkwardness there which you wouldn't have with joined
> table inheritance.
> The other is that concrete inheritance plays poorly with relations to
> other tables which are shared among more than one class in the
> hierarchy, since a foreign key is needed for each individual table
> relationship and SQLA needs you to define individual relation()s for
> each one.  Its always much easier to use single or joined-table
> inheritance for a hierarchy where the base class or classes define
> much of the behavior/attributes of subclasses.
> >

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