

Thanks for the pointer, that makes great sense, and once again points
how my generally small database design skills. I'll update my code to
try this out.






From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Michael Bayer
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 9:28 PM
To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: New instance ExtraStat with identity key (...)
conflicts with persistent instance ExtraStat


Simon's suggestion about the duplicate "name" still holds.  Your
relation from Stat->ExtraStat currently needs to be one-to-one since you
cannot have more than one ExtraStat referencing a single Stat, due to
the PK constraint on ExtraStat.name.  The error is raising at the point
of query() since autoflush is kicking in - use session.flush() to
isolate the error.


On Nov 29, 2008, at 12:18 PM, Doug Farrell wrote:

Hi all,


I'm having a problem with a new instance of a relation conflicting with

an existing instance. I'm using SA 0.5rc with Sqlite3. Here are my

simplified classes:


class Stat(sqladb.Base):

     __tablename__ = "stats"

     name         = Column(String(32), primary_key=True)

     total        = Column(Integer)

     created      = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now())

     updated      = Column(DateTime)

     states       = Column(PickleType, default={})

     extraStats   = relation("ExtraStat", backref="stat")


class ExtraStat(sqladb.Base):

     __tablename__ = "extrastats"

     name         = Column(String(32), ForeignKey("stats.name"),

     total        = Column(Integer)

     created      = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now())

     updated      = Column(DateTime)

     states       = Column(PickleType, default={})


The above Stat class has a one-to-many relationship with the ExtraStat

class (which I think I've implemented correctly). Later in the

program I create an in memory data model that has as part of it's

components two

dictionaries that contain Stat instances. Those Stat instances have

relationships to ExtraStat instances. My problem comes in the

following when I'm trying to update the data in those instances/tables.

Here is a section of code that throws the exception:




pressName = "press%s" % pressNum

# add new ExtraStat instances as relations

self._addProductStatsPress(productType, pressName)

self._addPressStatsProduct(pressName, productType)


   extraStat = session.query(Stat). \

               filter(Stat.name==productType). \

               join("extraStats"). \



   extraStat = ExtraStat(pressName, ExtraStat.PRESS_TYPE)


   extraStat.states.setdefault(sstate, 0)

   extraStat.states[sstate] += 1

   extraStat.updated = now

   extraStat = session.merge(extraStat)


   extraStat = session.query(Stat). \

               filter(Stat.name==pressName). \

               join("extraStats"). \

               filter(ExtraStat.name==productType).one()   <==== throws
exception right here


   extraStat = ExtraStat(productType, ExtraStat.PRODUCT_TYPE)


   extraStat.states.setdefault(sstate, 0)

   extraStat.states[sstate] += 1

   extraStat.updated = now


The marked area is wear it throws the exception. I'm not sure what to

do here to get past this, any help or ideas would be greatly



The exact exception is as follows:

Sqlalchemy.orm.exc.FlushError: New instance [EMAIL PROTECTED] With identity

key (<class '__main__.ExtraStat'>,(u'C',)) conflicts with persistent







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