
Michael Bayer wrote:
> For the next go-around here, assuming this is all still not working  
> for you can you please provide an example of what the additional  
> "filter" does exactly ?

Oh, it was already working for me (with the hack as described with 
backref and such, earlier in this thread).

I just looked for a better way, but the suggestions I got initially had 
some issues.

What it does is filter on a workflow status. I.e. I want a number of 
relations, one of which shows all related objects, the other one 
restricts by some status of the target. This way I can navigate an 
object graph and only see, say, published items, or items that can be 
edited, by following the right links. I.e:

zoo.animals # all animals in the zoo that have been 'published'
zoo.editable_animals # all animals in the zoo that can be edited or have 
been edited
zoo.archived_animals # all animals the zoo had once but have been removed
zoo.all_animals: all animals above, i.e. the automatic relation

I realize that this is unusual; normally one cannot expect any 
particular column to be present on the target such as my workflow status 
column, so it makes sense to spell it out explicitly in the 'relation' 
logic. I still think that even there having to actually make the 
auto-generated join explicit as soon as you want to add an extra 
criterion requires a bit of extra work and thought that might be 
preventable, but I don't think a solution to that would have helped my case.

I'm still thinking about alternate strategies to reach the same effect. 
Properties for the alternate extra filters would be one option, but I'm 
not sure whether the property implementation can be made general enough 
to find the target table very easily either.

An alternative idea I had was to create a special collection class that 
knows how to do such additional restrictions (perhaps a bunch of methods 
on them.

I've noticed that I need to expire the instances with relations very 
often if something changes about the workflow status in one of the 
related objects - it seems SQLAlchemy doesn't figure this out for 
itself. Perhaps this is expected. I intend to post about this separately 
after I've isolated this issue.

>  at this point you're looking for a subclass  
> hook that is basically "augment_primary_join(self,  
> existing_primary_join)", since you're looking to have the "figure out  
> the joins" stuff done for you in exactly the same way it is now, but  
> you want to have a say in changing the final product.   that's a  
> pretty arbitrary looking hook.

Sure. Again, I'm not asking for a hook, I just tried to make it work but 
wasn't very happy with the result, so I thought I'd bring it up to see 
whether there was a better way. And then we got into a bit of a 
discussion. :)



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