
Michael Bayer wrote:
> well that is the part of the use case I don't understand.  Why the
> "automagic" aspect of it ?   and if there are dozens of target tables that
> have similar attributes, why not reduce the workload in a more boring way,
> like one that just adds the attributes after the fact:
> def map_my_stuff(parent, child):
>     parent_mapper = class_mapper(parent)
>     parent_mapper.add_property("children_editable",
>       relation(..<figure it out from parent_mapper etc>..)

The answer would be that I hadn't considered that approach yet, but I 
could indeed do try to do this at the mapping phase. I'm not terribly 
familiar with the way mapping takes place yet, but this gives me a clue 
as to where to start looking - thanks!

>> I've noticed that I need to expire the instances with relations very
>> often if something changes about the workflow status in one of the
>> related objects - it seems SQLAlchemy doesn't figure this out for
>> itself. Perhaps this is expected. I intend to post about this separately
>> after I've isolated this issue.
> I would suggest using a "dynamic" relation if you'd like the attribute to
> issue a SQL query on every hit.   Using a "Dynamic" relation for the
> "core" relation can allow you to construct all of the alternate "views" at
> the class level without much need to muck about the mapper:
> class MyClass(object):
>     @property
>     def editable_children(self):
>         return self.children.filter(Child.editable==True)

Yeah, this is like the property approach I was considering. To automate 
this I'd need a way to determine Child automatically from the 
self.children relation, and I hadn't gone into that yet.

> if the core "children" relation were non-dynamic, the same route can be
> applied:
> class MyClass(object):
>     @property
>     def editable_children(self):
>         return
> object_session(self).query(Child).with_parent(self).filter(Child.editable==True)
> this approach would remove the need to dig around ORM internals 

Oh well, at least I learned something about them. :)

> and would
> solve all the "stale data" issues too, assuming autoflush is turned on.   
> SQLAlchemy's behavior of "caching" collections in the first place is
> fairly unique among Python ORMs (its more of a Hibernate thing) so this is
> the usual way that issue is addressed.

Thanks for the tip!



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