
On Mar 25, 3:00 pm, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> SQLAlchemy also doesn't issue BEGIN.  You might want to look at setting 
> autocommit to false on your MySQLdb connection, since that's the layer that 
> would be sending out BEGIN.

I looked into this.  BTW, I use SQLAlchemy v 0.5 in a corporate
environment, and upgrading is expensive (time/effort).

My belief that 0.5 issued BEGIN statements was based on inspection of
the echo log i.e. create_engine(..., echo=True).  I thought that the
echo log was a transparent trace of the exact statements sent to the
server.  Upon further investigation, that seems not the case.  The
BEGIN statements appear in the echo log, but they don't show up in the
mysqld server log.  We can see why at line 984 of engine/base.py
[ http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/browser/lib/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py#L984

982         def _begin_impl(self):
983             if self._echo:
984                 self.engine.logger.info("BEGIN")
985             try:
986                 self.engine.dialect.do_begin(self.connection)
987             except Exception, e:
988                 self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, None, None, None,
989                 raise

Therefore, I am no longer worried about the emission of BEGIN.
However, inspecting the mysqld general query log [
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/query-log.html ], I noticed a
bunch of ROLLBACK statements.

   8 Query  INSERT INTO xxx (yy, zzzzzzz) VALUES (NULL, 'foobar')
   8 Query  commit
   8 Query  rollback
   8 Query  INSERT INTO jjj (yy, zzzzzzz, aaaaa, bbbb, ccc, dd,
eeeeee, fff...
   8 Query  commit
   8 Query  rollback
   8 Query  UPDATE jjj SET aaaaa=1, bbbb=2, ccc=1, dd=now() WHERE
jjj.zzzzzzz = 193
   8 Query  INSERT INTO lll (dd, zzzzz, xxxx, ssssss, tttt, wwwww,
uuu) VALUES ('2010-03-15...
   8 Query  INSERT INTO pppppppp (yy, nnnnnn) VALUES (NULL, 'barfoo')
   8 Query  commit
   8 Query  rollback

Every COMMIT is followed by a ROLLBACK, which appears wasteful.  Which
software do I blame for that, SQLAlchemy or the MySQLdb DBAPI


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