
Creating a new instance of my mapped class and settings, manually.
Gotcha. I think this will be an easier solution for me.

Nah, I'm not in a web framework.

Additional Q:


Currently, my database is being stored in memory and it's fine like
that since a) my data isn't very expansive and b) I'm running the
program (python from a command line where I can just comment
out various functions in my Main file. However, I'm now designing a
GUI for my code where I want to be able to call each function
manually. Now, all functions that reference the session will reference
"session" I defined as:

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

Thus after I run my finish my monteCarloBasic (defined way up at the
top), I'd probably hit another button that would do what I did for
CODE 2, i.e.

def checkFor4545(trials):
    sid = 4545
    print sid
    project_id_list = list(students[sid].preferences)
    for project_id in project_id_list
        gotcha =
session.query(SimAllocation).filter(SimAllocation.student_id ==
sid).filter(PP.SimAllocation.alloc_proj == project_id).count()
        print project_id, gotcha/trials

This basically counts the number of times student 4545 got each of his
projects for entire Monte-Carlo simulation and prints the average over
the trials.

So basically when I'm in command line mode and go "python" my
Main looks like:

trials = 100

So those will run one after the other.

Now when I've got a GUI, I'll have the Monte-Carlo run separately and
then afterwards, hit a button that corresponds to
'checkFor4545(trials)'. Now, the reason I used SQLAlchemy in the first
place (besides the general usefulness of SQL) is for data persistence.
Will 'checkFor4545(trials)' display the same output as it would if it
were run serially from Will it reference the same "session"?
(Probably a question you'll want to slap your forehead over, but I
just want to verify I've got my understanding correct).

Additionally, when I save to a physical database file, what happens
everytime I run monteCarloBasic(trials) (since it writes to the
database). Will it rewrite it every time? Or will it keep appending to



On Jun 4, 10:17 pm, Conor <> wrote:
> On 06/03/2010 02:33 PM, Az wrote:
> > Firstly, apologies if I'm demanding too much but basically I'm quite a
> > beginner at Python programming and this is for a University project,
> > which is why I'm keen to get this done (due in a few days!). So I hope
> > you won't mind me asking some questions that may seem really basic.
> >> deepcopy has issues because SQLAlchemy places extra information on your 
> >> objects, i.e. an _sa_instance_state attribute, that you dont want in your
> >> copy.  You *do* however need one to exist on your object.  Therefore 
> >> deepcopy is not supported right now by SQLAlchemy ORM objects.
> >> There are ways to manually blow away the old _sa_instance_state and put a 
> >> new one on the object, but the most straightforward is to make a new
> >> object with __init__() and set up the attributes that are significant, 
> >> instead of doing a full deep copy.
> > Could you explain what you mean by creating a new object with
> > __init__() and setting up the attributes? Would this be a new class
> > that isn't mapped using SQLA?
> He just means creating a new instance of your mapped class and settings
> its attributes manually, e.g.:
> def copy(self):
>    copy = MyMappedClass()
>    copy.attr1 = self.attr1
>    copy.attr2 = self.attr2
>    return copy
> >> if you do really want to use deepcopy, you'd have to implement 
> >> __deepcopy__() on your objects and ensure that a new _sa_instance_state is 
> >> set up,
> >> there are functions in sqlalchemy.orm.attributes which can help with that. 
> >>    This *should* be made an official SQLA recipe, but we haven't gotten
> >> around to it.
> > Could you please explain what you mean by that? Would it be possible
> > to give me an idea or an example of how such would work?
> In theory you can use a generic __deepcopy__ implementation for ORM
> classes. A very simple version might be:
> def orm_deepcopy(self, memo):
>     mapper = class_mapper(self.__class__)
>     result = self.__class__()
>     memo[id(self)] = result
>     for prop in mapper.iterate_properties():
>         value = getattr(self, prop.key)
>         setattr(result, prop.key, deepcopy(value, memo))
>     return result
> class MyMappedClass(...):
>     __deepcopy__ = orm_deepcopy
> Beware that this implementation does not handle overlapping properties
> well (e.g. relations and their corresponding foreign key columns),
> lazy-loading properties, read-only properties, clearing out
> auto-incrementing primary keys, etc. I would not recommend this
> approach, as a use-case-specific copy() method will be much easier to
> tailor to your needs.
> >>> How can I stop it from closing the
> >>> sessions?
> >> nothing in SQLA closes sessions.  Your program is doing that.
> > I'm not issuing a session.close() anywhere (I checked). Are there any
> > other ways of closing a session besides that? (If the answer is
> > "Plenty", don't worry about it... I'll try to track it down then)
> If you are in a web framework, it may be closing the session for you
> (usually by calling Session.remove() on a ScopedSession). Additionally,
> are you sure that your object-to-copy is not transient when you make
> your deepcopy?
> -Conor

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