This will probably help:

def addToTable():
        """Very simple SQLAlchemy function that populates the Student,
        and Supervisor tables."""
        for student in students.itervalues():

        for project in projects.itervalues():

        for supervisor in supervisors.itervalues():


def resetData():
        """An essential helper function to help reset all student, project
        supervisor data to their pre-allocation values"""

        for student in students.itervalues():
                student.allocated_project = None
                student.allocated_proj_ref = None
                student.allocated_rank = penalty

        for supervisor in supervisors.itervalues():
                supervisor.loading_limit = supervisor.original_quota -

        for project in projects.itervalues():
                project.allocated = False
                project.blocked = False

So yes, my resetData function will revert _certain_ attributes for
only the Student, Supervisor and Project classes back to the state
they were in when I parsed them in from the text files. My students,
supervisors and projects dictionaries -- at the end of the entire M-C
-- will basically look like that. But if there are other attributes I
have not reverted, they won't change. For example my student has an
attribute called "overall_proby" which I get after calculating the
statistics from the M-C simulation. This won't change until I run the
entire simulation from start to end or terminate. However, his
"allocated_project" will remain None.

> If it resets
> student-project associations, then could it end up deleting the
> temp_allocs you just added in that trial?

temp_alloc belongs to the SimAllocation class so resetData() shouldn't
affect it.

> If you were to do this, you would not want to use a
> single global session, because sharing a session between threads
> is a big no-no.

Why is that a bad thing? And how can work around this single global
session? Basically, say in my GUI, I hit "RUN" for the Monte-Carlo
simulation and it does its work. And then I accidentally hit "RUN"
again. It'll recalculate everything right? Now when I click "STATS" to
get my statistics, I'll want to get the statistics for the second time
I ran the simulation. Thus how can I work around the "single global
session" problem?

> It seems like you would get duplicate primary keys on SimAllocation
> rows after the 1st call.

Once again any ways of avoiding this? I some sort of unique key for
the Monte-Carlo runs and have the incrementing row number was the only
thing I can think of since student ID's will repeat after every
individual trial is done.

Oh also: a BIG thank you for taking the time to help me out! I'm
almost at my deadline :)

On Jun 6, 4:39 am, Conor <> wrote:
> On 06/05/2010 08:06 PM, Az wrote:
> > Cheers!
> > Creating a new instance of my mapped class and settings, manually.
> > Gotcha. I think this will be an easier solution for me.
> > Nah, I'm not in a web framework.
> > Additional Q:
> > +++
> > Currently, my database is being stored in memory and it's fine like
> > that since a) my data isn't very expansive and b) I'm running the
> > program (python from a command line where I can just comment
> > out various functions in my Main file. However, I'm now designing a
> > GUI for my code where I want to be able to call each function
> > manually. Now, all functions that reference the session will reference
> > "session" I defined as:
> > Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> > session = Session()
> > Thus after I run my finish my monteCarloBasic (defined way up at the
> > top), I'd probably hit another button that would do what I did for
> > CODE 2, i.e.
> > def checkFor4545(trials):
> >     sid = 4545
> >     print sid
> >     project_id_list = list(students[sid].preferences)
> >     for project_id in project_id_list
> >         gotcha =
> > session.query(SimAllocation).filter(SimAllocation.student_id ==
> > sid).filter(PP.SimAllocation.alloc_proj == project_id).count()
> >         print project_id, gotcha/trials
> > This basically counts the number of times student 4545 got each of his
> > projects for entire Monte-Carlo simulation and prints the average over
> > the trials.
> > So basically when I'm in command line mode and go "python" my
> > Main looks like:
> > trials = 100
> > monteCarloBasic(trials)
> > checkFor4545(trials)
> > So those will run one after the other.
> > Now when I've got a GUI, I'll have the Monte-Carlo run separately and
> > then afterwards, hit a button that corresponds to
> > 'checkFor4545(trials)'. Now, the reason I used SQLAlchemy in the first
> > place (besides the general usefulness of SQL) is for data persistence.
> > Will 'checkFor4545(trials)' display the same output as it would if it
> > were run serially from Will it reference the same "session"?
> > (Probably a question you'll want to slap your forehead over, but I
> > just want to verify I've got my understanding correct).
> I see nothing that indicates that they would NOT see the same session,
> but I do have some comments:
>     * GUIs usually run long tasks in background threads to keep the UI
>       responsive. If you were to do this, you would not want to use a
>       single global session, because sharing a session between threads
>       is a big no-no.
>     * I'm concerned what the call to resetData does. If it resets
>       student-project associations, then could it end up deleting the
>       temp_allocs you just added in that trial?
>     * What should happen if you run monteCarloBasic multiple times? It
>       seems like you would get duplicate primary keys on SimAllocation
>       rows after the 1st call.
> > Additionally, when I save to a physical database file, what happens
> > everytime I run monteCarloBasic(trials) (since it writes to the
> > database). Will it rewrite it every time? Or will it keep appending to
> > it?
> I don't see anything that would indicate rewriting the database in the
> code that you have shown (except maybe as a side-effect of your
> resetData function that I noted above). Also, you may get duplicate
> primary key errors like I mentioned above.
> -Conor

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