I've drilled down all the way up to `mapper._save_obj()`. I examined
the `state.dict` for `qitem`.

Good case:

    qitem state dict = {'campaign': <Campaign 233, u'Test'>,
'campaign_id': 233, ...}

And for the bad case:

    qitem state dict = {'campaign': <Campaign 234, u'Test'>,
'campaign_id': None, ...}

The `campaign` property is *relation* to `Campaign` entity. Campaign
is previously flushed and has id. But, for some reason the
`campaign_id` is missing inside `qitem` state event though the
`campaign` is present.

I can probably work around by saying:

    qitem.campaign_id = campaign.id

but then I must rely on campaign being flushed which might not allways
be the case. Yes, I can flush it manually, but I like to depend on
relations functioning properly.

P.S. I am not restarting or changing application in any way, just
refreshing a web page, which sometime fails and sometime succeeds.

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