So, you have A->B, an exception occurs, you do the rollback, then you're 
somehow trying to continue on within the web request ?     The code examples 
here are out of context snippets and I don't see any exception handling 
happening so they don't really tell me much.    When the flush fails, the 
internal state is completely expired.   Campaign, if pending when the 
transaction started, now transient again, qitem is also transient.   Previous 
flushes within that transaction have no effect on this.    Campaign and qitem 
would retain their relationship to each other, campaign_id would probably 
remain present, but if you were to re-add the two, it would be overwritten on 
the next flush.

In my development, if a web request has an exception, that web request is over, 
so the use case here is a little confusing to me to start with, and I don't 
really understand why you need to manually flush or not since I don't have a 
clear illustration of the issue.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 9:27 AM, Tvrtko wrote:

> I've drilled down all the way up to `mapper._save_obj()`. I examined
> the `state.dict` for `qitem`.
> Good case:
>    qitem state dict = {'campaign': <Campaign 233, u'Test'>,
> 'campaign_id': 233, ...}
> And for the bad case:
>    qitem state dict = {'campaign': <Campaign 234, u'Test'>,
> 'campaign_id': None, ...}
> The `campaign` property is *relation* to `Campaign` entity. Campaign
> is previously flushed and has id. But, for some reason the
> `campaign_id` is missing inside `qitem` state event though the
> `campaign` is present.
> I can probably work around by saying:
>    qitem.campaign_id =
> but then I must rely on campaign being flushed which might not allways
> be the case. Yes, I can flush it manually, but I like to depend on
> relations functioning properly.
> P.S. I am not restarting or changing application in any way, just
> refreshing a web page, which sometime fails and sometime succeeds.
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