
I would like SQLAlchemy to generate views much in the same way it can generate 
tables- perhaps like this:


Is the SQLAlchemy code modular enough to support a user-defined SchemaItem or 
does that require changes to SQLAlchemy itself? 

The reason I would very much like this is because I currently use the Table 
objects, munge them through a processor to add common attributes, and generate 
a schema- I would like to be able to do the same with View objects.

I looked at subclassing sqlalchemy.schema.Table, but the __new__ override and 
the fact that the sql.compiler.DDLCompiler has hardcoded 
visit_create_<schemaitem> names gives me pause as to whether or not this can be 
accomplished without modifying SQLAlchemy itself. 

I realize that questions surrounding view pop up from time-to-time, so does it 
make sense to create or support a dialect-specific or user-defined SchemaItem?



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