On Jan 21, 2011, at 3:15 PM, A.M. wrote:

> I guess I am curious as to why there should be a "built-in" way to compile 
> SchemaItems and then a "user" way to do the same thing. Is there a plan to 
> unify these methods?

I've considered it but haven't drawn a picture of what that would really look 
like.    The decorator approach seems appropriate for ad-hoc constructs that 
aren't part of the "core" group of constructs, whereas the core hierarchy of 
Compiler classes feels more appropriate for supplying the kind of variability 
we see in different database SQL implementations.

Perhaps what's at play here is that Compiler subclasses handle variability in 
DBAPI/SQL interaction, whereas decorators handle variability in sets of 
supported constructs.     But this would all be better addressed if someone 
wanted to propose what the unified system would look like, including specifics 
to both the base Compiler and SQLCompiler classes, as well as a few dialects 
like the MySQL and PG dialects.   I definitely do not want user-defined 
structures requiring the construction of a separate Compiler or 
CompilerExtension class, however, this is too cumbersome and is the opposite of 
the direction we are headed in SQLA 0.7.   So a system whereby all of the dozen 
or so dialect implementations no longer have Compiler subclasses, the Compiler 
and SQLCompiler classes themselves no longer define SQL strings and likely 
become "final" (i.e. not usually subclassed), would be what it looks like.    
It would involve rewriting about 50% of each dialect.   

Ultimately both systems use the same dispatch function, though it is optimized 
in the case of builtins to have fewer method calls (which is also critical).

> As a python programmer, it seems more natural to me to subclass the relevant 
> class than to spam my class with decorators. Does it make sense to offer 
> user-defined SchemaItems which would play well with metadata much like there 
> are user-defined types?

Not sure where you're getting the notion of "spamming a class with decorators" 
- which class specifically would have decorators ?   The compiler system 
requires the construction of the ClauseElement subclass separate from the 
functions that define its SQL compilation, which have no class-bound 

Also SchemaItem is actually a separate inheritance chain than that of 
ClauseElement.  SchemaItem subclasses don't have SQL representations, such as a 
ForeignKeyConstraint.  Its the CreateConstraint and DropConstraint elements, 
ultimately descending from ClauseElement, that define a SQL representation.

As far as MetaData, we offer event-based interaction such that "create" and 
"drop" events can be intercepted.  The other purpose of MetaData is to serve as 
a registry of tables so that they are addressable by ForeignKey objects.  If 
further levels of registry behavior are proposed along with their use cases we 
can consider them for inclusion.

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