On Jan 21, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> On Jan 21, 2011, at 12:56 PM, A.M. wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like SQLAlchemy to generate views much in the same way it can 
>> generate tables- perhaps like this:
>> View('bob',select([...]))
>> Is the SQLAlchemy code modular enough to support a user-defined SchemaItem 
>> or does that require changes to SQLAlchemy itself? 
>> The reason I would very much like this is because I currently use the Table 
>> objects, munge them through a processor to add common attributes, and 
>> generate a schema- I would like to be able to do the same with View objects.
>> I looked at subclassing sqlalchemy.schema.Table, but the __new__ override 
>> and the fact that the sql.compiler.DDLCompiler has hardcoded 
>> visit_create_<schemaitem> names gives me pause as to whether or not this can 
>> be accomplished without modifying SQLAlchemy itself. 
>> I realize that questions surrounding view pop up from time-to-time, so does 
>> it make sense to create or support a dialect-specific or user-defined 
>> SchemaItem?
>> Thanks!
> You may not be aware that we have a full API for creation of custom SQL 
> expression subclasses as well as establishing compilation rules, which is 
> documented at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/compiler.html .
> Regarding views specifically, we've got a usage recipe against this system, 
> though I don't know if its seen any real world usage, at 
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/Views .   Its using 
> lower-case table() objects as the core structure, which is your basic "thing 
> with a bunch of columns" object, the superclass of Table that doesn't have 
> the hard linkages with MetaData or constraints, so no SchemaItem subclass is 
> needed.  Subclassing TableClause (the result of table()) would be the likely 
> way to go if you wanted your view construct to have extra features.

I guess I am curious as to why there should be a "built-in" way to compile 
SchemaItems and then a "user" way to do the same thing. Is there a plan to 
unify these methods?

As a python programmer, it seems more natural to me to subclass the relevant 
class than to spam my class with decorators. Does it make sense to offer 
user-defined SchemaItems which would play well with metadata much like there 
are user-defined types?


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