Yes, I use wsgi server of the python library bottle and I don't have
any problem but when I want to use the same script via the apache web
server I get only a server error no exception could be caught not even
by using the code snippet from you (Thanks by the way). I simply
included many print lines that appear in the error log file. The
create_engine fails (I know it from try and except) but I cannot catch
any exception that sheds some light on the reason of the failure.

On Jul 18, 4:06 pm, "King Simon-NFHD78"
<> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []
> > On Behalf Of Eduardo
> > Sent: 18 July 2011 14:12
> > To: sqlalchemy
> > Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re: information about filed create_engine
> > I dont get any log. The access strings from the local and wsgi
> > applications are identical so the script should connect to the same
> > database. I encountered problems with create_engine. What type of
> > exception can this method throw?
> > The application catches: TypeError, ValueError and OperationalError.
> > Is there any other Error or some universal sqlalchemy error that can
> > indicate me where the problem is?
> > Thanks
> I'm sorry - I still don't understand your setup. How do you know that
> you've "encountered problems with create_engine" if you're not getting
> any kind of exception from it?
> If you really think that create_engine is failing but the exception is
> being caught silently, why not change your code so that you've got an
> exception handler around create_engine:
> try:
>     engine = create_engine(your_connection_string)
> except Exception, e:
>     import traceback
>     log_file = open('/tmp/sqlalchemy_errors', 'w+')
>     log_file.write('Exception from create_engine\n')
>     log_file.write('%s\n' % e)
>     log_file.write(traceback.format_exc())
>     raise
> But your life would be much easier if you learnt how to configure
> SQLAlchemy's built-in logging features:
> What WSGI server and web framework are you using (if any)? It sounds
> like they are hampering your efforts to debug this. You might find it
> easier to run a very simple wsgi server such as the one in the wsgiref
> module:
> Simon

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