On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 3:07 PM, RVince <rvinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In my controller class, I perform a rather basic, straightforward SQL
> query:
>        connection = engine.connect()
>        trans = connection.begin()
>        try:
>            c.result = connection.execute("select
> current_disposition_code,count(*) as num from cms_input_file group by
> current_disposition_code;")
>            connection.close()
> thus my c.result is an sqlalchemy.engine.base.ResultProxy object.
> When I go to render this in a mako file as:
>                % for result in c.results:
>                ${result.current_disposition_code}[${result.num}]
>        % endfor
> I get no output. I am quite certain this is becuase I am using a
> ResultProxy object. How can I output such an object inthe mako files,
> or alternatively, how might i convert a ResultProxy objectsuch that I
> can output it in a mako file? Thanks! RVince

Seems you missed fetching some rows from ResultProxy.

Hope this helps.

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