On Sep 27, 2011, at 12:49 PM, Chris Withers wrote:

> On 27/09/2011 16:58, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> ah, hm.   interesting !   basically, not rea..^H^H^H OK actually this is 
>> very easy, using a technique I used previously to create abstract concrete 
>> mappers.     This should probably be how we recommend people use reflection 
>> with mappings since this is way better than what you'd get with classical 
>> mappings:
>> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/DeclarativeReflectedBase
> That looks like it should ship with SA itself...
> Does it?

on the website, sure :)

Many of these things are better as recipes - it is easier for us to support 
just the "__mapper_cls__" argument rather than a full usage pattern.    Users 
are better off knowing how these things work, if we're just talking about 10 
lines of code.    In particular, the recipe would need modifications if it were 
being integrated with other __mapper_cls__ types of recipes, such as the 
"abstract base class" recipe (though that one *is* being superceded by a built 

A recipe is also a great way to keep the library as "just one way to do it" - 
the variety of overlapping use cases regarding mapping and reflection can 
remain as applications on top of a more succinct set of building blocks.   
Makes the library easier to understand when its boundaries are clear.

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