On Sep 27, 2011, at 1:21 PM, Chris Withers wrote:

> On 27/09/2011 18:10, Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> That looks like it should ship with SA itself...
>>> Does it?
>> on the website, sure :)
>> Many of these things are better as recipes
> Meh, that used to be true of mixins.
> I'm very glad that's now in the core.

(Note to readers: Chris and I hang out each year at Pycon.  He's a great guy, 
so forgive the colloquial tone I take with him !)

> The trouble with keeping this as a recipe is that if you want to use it 
> anywhere seriously, *every* project you want to use it on you have to:
> - find somewhere to put it

OK you should check out my talk:  

it's a core value of SQLAlchemy that if you are writing a non-trivial 
application, you should always have a foundation which includes those idioms 
you're going to build on.  SQLAlchemy doesn't provide idioms out of the box, 
just the tools to create them and plenty of examples and guidance.    

> - write unit tests for for

you would have unit tests against your models being able to persist data to and 
from the database.   The functionality of mapping and reflecting would be 
rolled into that automatically so no additional tests are needed.

> - try and remember why it's slightly different in one project than another

if you have two projects - one uses reflection to do everything, the other 
doesn't, those two projects are already going to be slightly different - except 
one will have this weird "mymodel.prepare()" call buried deep inside of it.   
With the recipe being something explicit, its easier to see that project B is 
doing things differently.

> - generally end up cursing and swearing...

you need to get over that

>> - it is easier for us to support just the "__mapper_cls__" argument rather 
>> than a full usage pattern.
> Why? How would the "full usage pattern" differ?

Generally when I come up with a recipe to solve a problem in 5 minutes, its not 
ready to be a core feature.    If it becomes the prominent way to do things, we 
would need to ensure that all other methods are de-emphasized, etc.     This 
recipe in particular builds upon a set of APIs, especially that it conceals 
Table(..., autoload=True) that makes it extremely dangerous to confuse people 

Declarative already has an attribute called __autoload__, which I yanked out of 
the docs.    You can already say __table__ = Table(..., autoload=True), and 
__autoload__ was redundant and less-featured.  Users who needed to reflect the 
Table, use declarative, but also needed to customize the Table a bit as 
described at 
would be totally confused by __autoload__, it hides what should be obvious.

User comes to SQLAlchemy, wants to autoload a database and map to it.    Right 
now, the path is clear - understand that you're mapping to a Table, understand 
how to autoload a Table, understand how to apply it to a mapping.  One way, 
everyone gets it.

New way is introduced, use __tablename__ and some special directive, plus 
prepare().   Ok that other way works, but if you want to have your Engine 
later, type less (who doesn't ?) now you can do it *THIS* way !  great.

I can guarantee you users are already completely confused by the use case - my 
Engine isn't there yet ?  I thought I make the Engine at the top of the module, 
why wouldn't I have it ?  Do I need to use this pattern or not ?   What if I 
need x, y, z, q, p, r that isn't supported here ?    I can try to find you a 
big long email from a few months ago where someone was already totally confused 
about the Session docs, describing that you can say 
sessionmaker.configure(engine) instead of Session(bind=engine) - he was 
*totally* mystified by that whole thing and the purpose.   Very, very hard to 
describe convenience features, because they apply to certain use cases that 
most users don't have, and aren't sure they have when they first read the docs. 
  Usage recipes make it a *ton* more clear that these are specific applications 
for specific problems.

This new way doesn't let me customize the Table as 
talks about.   This new way doesn't let me use other forms of __mapper_cls__ 
unless I fight with it, read its source code, etc. to get my way.   Im confused 
should I use the "less typing" way or not?   

Also, a lot of apps that use reflection *can't* use this method - they have 
hundreds of tables and reflection is too slow.  For them, we often advise 
reflect everything and pickle it into a serialized file, then upon app startup 
use that pickled file.  Or use an autogen tool that derives from reflection.  
There's *lots* of ways to use reflection and hardcoding just one recipe in the 
core, just isn't appropriate at this point.   Once a recipe becomes a feature, 
it becomes opaque.   You then have to describe every aspect of the feature in 
documentation, put tons of hooks and calls in order to make it customizable, 
document all those hooks and calls, and at the end they have to end up reading 
the source code anyway to make it do something.  The recipe means, you read and 
understand the source code *first*, and it doesn't need *any* special hooks 
because it's your code, you can customize it as you see fit (such as, to pull 
from your pickled file of tables instead).

This again is why the philosophy is - SQLAlchemy is building blocks.   You must 
be prepared to provide a foundation for non-trivial applications, and you must 
understand how the essential components function.   If you want everything SQLA 
can offer, you'll need to think of yourself as a software developer, not a 
button-pushing monkey, basically. 

>> In particular, the recipe would need modifications if it were being 
>> integrated with other __mapper_cls__ types of recipes,
> Is there a list of these anywhere? (other than ones about to be superceded)

there is not a list of __mapper_cls__ usage patterns any more than the 
Python.org documentation for the "base64" library has a list of all programs on 
pypi that use it, or a list of all building architectures that can be built 
using the assistance of a particular powersaw.    __mapper_cls__ is an open 
ended component and I couldn't anticipate its possible uses.

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