On Nov 27, 2011, at 1:15 AM, Geo wrote:

> I have a query to join another two querys which are written as
> subqueries:
>    paid_120_count = session.query(Capital_invest.member_id,
> func.count().label("count")).\
>                             join(Product,
> Capital_invest.prod_id==Product.prodid).\
>                             filter(Product.price*payback_pc-
> Capital_invest.capital_payback<=0).\
> group_by(Capital_invest.member_id).subquery()
>    buy_product_count = session.query(Capital_invest.member_id,
> func.count().label("count")).\
>                        group_by(Capital_invest.member_id).subquery()
>    x_members = session.query(Distributor).\
>               join(paid_120_count,
> paid_120_count.c.member_id==Distributor.id).\
>               join(buy_product_count,
> buy_product_count.c.member_id==Distributor.id).\
> filter(paid_120_count.c.count==buy_product_count.c.count).\
>               filter(Distributor.quali_bonus==True)
> So the distributor is the center table joins two queries. The Query
> returns data without problem. But i can't update the result data
> subsequently, for example
> for member in x_members:
>     member.name ="xxxxx"
> The sqlalchemy just simply do nothing.  I have to do this:
> for member in x_members:
>     member.name ="xxxxx"
>     dist = session.query(Distributor).get(member.id)
>     dist.name = "xxxxx"

did you close out the Session before you iterated through x_members ?    This 
test will ensure you're doing things correctly:

for member in x_members:
   dist = session.query(Distributor).get(member.id)
   assert dist is member

the identity map will ensure they are the same instance, *if* you are operating 
on x_members as present in the Session.   If the Session got closed before you 
iterated, you'd need to not do that.   

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