On Nov 29, 2011, at 8:30 PM, Geo wrote:

> I'm not sure if my code has closed the session, the context is:
> import transaction
> x_members = session.query(Distributor).join....
> try:
>    transaction.begin()
>    for member in x_members:
>         .....
> except:
>   transaction.abort()
> BTW, I'm using pyramid framework, which is using the following statement to 
> init the session:
> DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(
>                              extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))

It's likely you're starting with a new Session when begin() is called, but this 
depends on the workings of ZopeTransactionExtension and I'd ask on their list 
about it.

You shouldn't have any calls to begin/abort/try/except when using Pyramid 
though, all of that should be happening behind the scenes.    A framework isn't 
worth much if you need to be hand-coding defensive transaction blocks in 
application code.

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