OK also, this is ready to go in from my perspective, I don't make usage of CTEs 
in my normal work at the moment, so hopefully those people here interested in 
the feature can give this a review, maybe even try the patch, because this will 
be it !

On Mar 1, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> On Mar 1, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Claudio Freire wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 12:11 PM, A.M. <age...@themactionfaction.com> wrote:
>>> Well, the SQL standard points at WITH RECURSIVE which is more general 
>>> anyway. W.R. is basically an inductive query loop construct (base case 
>>> UNION induction step) where CONNECT BY only handles key-based tree 
>>> retrieval, no?
>>> Also, basic WITH support (without RECURSIVE) would be much appreciated- 
>>> that could offer more flexibility than FROM-subqueries and could open the 
>>> door for W.R.
>> Also, CTE support (recursive or not) would be easily implementable by
>> a special case of selectable, whose visitor only outputs the name, and
>> prepends to the string the "WITH blah AS bleh".
>> import sqlalchemy as sa
>> somestuff = sa.select(...).cte("somestuff")
>> somequery = sa.select( somestuff.c.somecolumn, somestuff.c.someval == 3)
> I can say quite literally that you read my mind, or vice versa, I gave a 
> quick try with select().with_(), abandoned that and added "cte()" just like 
> you said here.   By using the compiler to find the CTEs, then tacking them 
> onto the outermost SELECT at the end, the feature add affects virtually no 
> existing code at all so this can go right in.    There's probably a lot of 
> ways to trip it up but using it carefully seems to lead to the correct 
> results, testing two of the examples at 
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/queries-with.html .    Both 
> examples are tricky as the CTEs refer to themselves or each other.
> See the patch at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/1859.   
> Here's an example (note I left out the "name" here which you can of course 
> put in, but even the anon_X thing works out):
> from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column, select, func
> parts = table('parts',
>    column('part'),
>    column('sub_part'),
>    column('quantity'),
> )
> included_parts = select([parts.c.sub_part, parts.c.part, parts.c.quantity]).\
>                    where(parts.c.part=='our part').cte(recursive=True)
> incl_alias = included_parts.alias()
> parts_alias = parts.alias()
> included_parts = included_parts.union(
>    select([parts_alias.c.part, parts_alias.c.sub_part, 
> parts_alias.c.quantity]).\
>        where(parts_alias.c.part==incl_alias.c.sub_part)
>    )
> s = select([included_parts.c.sub_part, 
>        func.sum(included_parts.c.quantity).label('total_quantity')]).\
>        group_by(included_parts.c.sub_part)
> print s
> output:
> WITH RECURSIVE anon_1(sub_part, part, quantity) AS (
> (SELECT parts.sub_part AS sub_part, parts.part AS part, parts.quantity AS 
> quantity 
> FROM parts 
> WHERE parts.part = :part_1 UNION SELECT parts_1.part AS part, 
> parts_1.sub_part AS sub_part, parts_1.quantity AS quantity 
> FROM parts AS parts_1, anon_1 AS anon_2 
> WHERE parts_1.part = anon_2.sub_part)
> )
> SELECT anon_1.sub_part, sum(anon_1.quantity) AS total_quantity 
> FROM anon_1 GROUP BY anon_1.sub_part
>> I think this form makes a lot more sense in the SQLA API than the
>> context manager.
> yeah that was just a scratch idea.
> -- 
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