On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Michael Bayer
<mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 10:56 AM, limodou wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 10:42 PM, Michael Bayer
>> <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>>> You would assemble a multi-database scheme of your choosing in env.py.   If 
>>> you do "alembic init multidb" you'll see an example of one.     How env.py 
>>> is organized depends greatly on the relationship of the databases to each 
>>> other, that is, to what degree they are mirrors of each other versus 
>>> storing different schemas.
>> If I ran the command:
>>    alembic init multidb
>> It'll create multidb folder and copy files in it. But I saw the
>> alembic.ini will be the same one. So if I should change it myself? And
>> how to let alembic know different database when executing commands
>> like: revision, upgrade, etc. It seems that no database parameter
>> existed.
>> And if I can manage different databases in one directory or in one ini file?
> multidb has a different alembic.ini as an example.  If you already had an 
> alembic.ini there it wouldn't overwrite it.
> if you really wanted two completely independent sets of migration scripts, 
> then you'd run two migration environments.
> They can share the same alembic.ini like this:
> [my_db_one]
> sqlalchemy.url =
> [my_db_two]
> sqlalchemy.url =
> you then run alembic with "alembic -n my_db_one" or "alembic -n my_db_two".   
>  The "default" config area is set by -n.
> A single env.py script can get multiple database URLs in any way it wants, as 
> it determines how config is accessed.   If you look in the multidb/env.py 
> script, you'll see it's pulling multiple database urls from one section using 
> config.get_section(name) - config file:
> [alembic]
> # path to migration scripts
> script_location = ${script_location}
> # template used to generate migration files
> # file_template = %%(rev)s_%%(slug)s
> databases = engine1, engine2
> [engine1]
> sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:pass@localhost/dbname
> [engine2]
> sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:pass@localhost/dbname2
> usage:
>    config = context.config
>    db_names = config.get_main_option('databases')
>    for name in re.split(r',\s*', db_names):
>        engines[name] = rec = {}
>        rec['engine'] = engine_from_config(
>                                    config.get_section(name),
>                                    prefix='sqlalchemy.',
>                                    poolclass=pool.NullPool)
> Over here I have both forms of multi db at the same time.   There's two 
> migration environments, and one migration environment does two databases that 
> are largely mirrored, so three databases total.   All three make use of a 
> common env.py script that's in my application as a library, they then 
> implement an env.py in the migration environment that draws upon the 
> myapp/lib/env.py script for common features.
> You can pass instructions to a single env.py that may be controlling multiple 
> databases using --tag:
> "alembic --tag my_tag"
> "my_tag" is available in env.py as context.get_tag_argument().   You can use 
> that to conditionally run migrations on one database or the other.
> This is all DIY.  Multi-database migrations can happen in many different ways 
> so you'd need to build the approach that suits your situation best.

thank you very much.

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