On Aug 27, 2012, at 5:16 PM, Jacob Biesinger wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> 
> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Jacob Biesinger wrote:
>> Is the use case of having nested collections really all that out of 
>> mainstream?
> I would think just about any non-trivial application winds up having "nested 
> collections".    In relational databases this just means you have one-to-many 
> relationships chained along.  relationship() is the SQLAlchemy mechanism to 
> achieve one-to-many.    This is like the most prominent feature in the whole 
> ORM so I'm not sure what's causing it to appear "non mainstream".
> If you're getting at the idea of having two or three big tables that 
> generically handle all kinds of lists and dictionaries from all over the rest 
> of the schema, yes, I'd characterize it as common, but not necessarily a best 
> practice in most cases.   It doesn't scale very well as those two or three 
> giant tables grow to be huge, a single point of contention, hard to index and 
> manipulate.   Nevertheless we support this architecture through such notions 
> as the "polymorphic association", which you'll find in the examples with the 
> distribution.   
> Yes, this is the pattern I'm trying to describe though I've been thinking of 
> these as "typed collections", smallish tables for handling a particular 
> table's collections needs, which are all of a single type (so rows are either 
> a collection or a FK to ONE other table).  It feels very doable, given the 
> many examples I've seen that don't go quite this far.  If it's a common 
> enough use case, why not have an example on the best way to do this? 

Uh, scroll up, I said, "which you'll find in the **examples** with the 
distribution".    start reading here: 

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