
Suppose the following example query

    q = session.query(A)
    q = q.options(joinedload_all(A.b, B.c, C.d)
    q = q.otions(joinedload_all(A.client, PersonalClient.person)
    return q


    A has
        b_id FK to b(id)
        client_id FK to client(id)
    B has
        c_id FK to c(id)
    C has
        d_id FK to d(id)
    Client is a root of joined table inheritance
    PersonalClient is Client's subtype which adds
        person_id FK to person(id)
    Person has personal information (such as name and address).

The above query does not work: personal information is not loaded eagerly but on
each access. How should I rewrite the joinedload options to make it work with
joined table inheritance?

Note that if I remove the joined table inheritance from the picture (i.e. let
A's client point directly to PersonalClient), everything works as expected.

Thank you in advance,

Ladislav Lenart

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