
On 24.9.2012 18:31, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Sep 24, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Ladislav Lenart wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Suppose the following example query
>>    q = session.query(A)
>>    q = q.options(joinedload_all(A.b, B.c, C.d)
>>    q = q.otions(joinedload_all(A.client, PersonalClient.person)
>>    return q
>> where
>>    A has
>>        b_id FK to b(id)
>>        client_id FK to client(id)
>>    B has
>>        c_id FK to c(id)
>>    C has
>>        d_id FK to d(id)
>>    Client is a root of joined table inheritance
>>    PersonalClient is Client's subtype which adds
>>        person_id FK to person(id)
>>    Person has personal information (such as name and address).
>> The above query does not work: personal information is not loaded eagerly 
>> but on
>> each access. How should I rewrite the joinedload options to make it work with
>> joined table inheritance?
> you'd need to use 0.8, which has not yet had it's initial beta releases, then 
> options as follows:
>       q.options(joinedload_all(A.client.of_type(PersonalClient), 
> PersonalClient.person))

That will be awesome because this is exactly what I have tried after a bit of
googling :-) Unfortunately I am using SA 0.7 ATM.

> for 0.7, you'd need to break this down more manually, and this *should* work:
>       q.outerjoin(A.client.of_type(PersonalClient), 
> PersonalClient.person).options(contains_eager(A.client), 
> contains_eager(A.client, PersonalClient.person))
> I'd be curious if either/both of these methods work without issue for you, as 
> this is a tricky one.

I will have to dig through the documentation a bit to understand the use of
contains_eager option. I will certainly let you know how it behaves.

Thank you very much for such a quick response!

BTW I am a complete beginner but SA is very pleasant to use so far. Half of the
beauty comes from its clever design and the other half from Your commitment and
professional assistance :-)

Ladislav Lenart

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