On Sep 24, 2012, at 1:14 PM, Ladislav Lenart wrote:

> Hello.
> I have tried the variant for SA 0.7. The query I tried is this:
>    q = self.session.query(self.ClientProduct)
>    q = q.options(joinedload_all(A.b, B.c))
> #    q = q.options(joinedload_all(
> #        A.client.of_type(PersonalClient),
> #        PersonalClient.person)
> #    )
>    q = q.outerjoin(
>        A.client.of_type(PersonalClient),
>        PersonalClient.person
>    )
>    q = q.options(
>        contains_eager(A.client),
>        contains_eager(A.client, PersonalClient.person)
>    )
> It fails with:
>    prop = root_mapper._props[propname]
> KeyError: 'person'
> I am not sure if it is the query you have in mind (I still have to study the
> option contains_eager).

oh, right.  yes, contains_eager() needs to support of_type() as well here, so 
your only option is 0.8.

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