OK, like this then:

q1 = s.query(Appl).distinct(Appl.refid).\
           order_by(Appl.refid, Appl.appldate.desc())


WITH distinct_query AS 
(SELECT DISTINCT ON (appl.refid) appl.id AS id, appl.firstname AS firstname, 
appl.lastname AS lastname, appl.refid AS refid, appl.appldate AS appldate 
FROM appl 
WHERE appl.lastname ILIKE %(lastname_1)s AND appl.firstname ILIKE 
%(firstname_1)s GROUP BY appl.id, appl.firstname, appl.lastname, appl.refid, 
appl.appldate ORDER BY appl.refid, appl.appldate DESC)
 SELECT distinct_query.id AS distinct_query_id, distinct_query.firstname AS 
distinct_query_firstname, distinct_query.lastname AS distinct_query_lastname, 
distinct_query.refid AS distinct_query_refid, distinct_query.appldate AS 
FROM distinct_query ORDER BY distinct_query.lastname, distinct_query.firstname

I know this is not exactly the same, but the query itself is a SELECT DISTINCT 
ON(x), which seems to be what they're getting at when I look at 

On Sep 18, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Nathan Mailg <nathanma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Mike for all the help! I think we're really close.
> Unfortunately, the "DISTINCT ON (refid) *" syntax appears to be needed, as 
> opposed to "DISTINCT (refid), *", since the following query in psql is not 
> filtering the duplicate refid's:
> WITH distinct_query AS (SELECT DISTINCT (refid), *
>    FROM appl
>    WHERE lastname ILIKE 'Williamson%' AND firstname ILIKE 'd%'
>    GROUP BY refid, id, lastname, firstname, appldate
>    ORDER BY refid, appldate DESC
> )
> SELECT * from distinct_query ORDER BY lastname, firstname;
> and the above is what appears to be the equivalent of:
>> q1 = s.query(distinct(Appl.refid), Appl).\
>>           filter(Appl.lastname.ilike('Williamson%')).\
>>           filter(Appl.firstname.ilike('d%')).\
>>           group_by(Appl).\
>>           order_by(Appl.refid, Appl.appldate.desc())
>> q1 = q1.cte('distinct_query')
>> q2 = s.query(q1).order_by(q1.c.lastname, q1.c.firstname)
> I got the above code running with no exceptions, so that's great, but it's 
> not getting rid of rows with the same refid in "distinct_query". Is there a 
> way I can get "DISTINCT ON (refid) *" generated?
> Sorry to tag on a followup, but how would I get the following relationship 
> mapped onto the 2nd, non-distinct SELECT ("q2" above)? From the "Appl" class 
> below:
>>> city         = relationship('City', lazy='joined', 
>>> primaryjoin='City.id==Appl.cityid')
> I tried some aliased join variations but couldn't get anything to work. I 
> think there's some additional configuration needed as I have two columns 
> (cityid and cityid2) in table Appl that reference the City table.
> I really appreciate all your help!
> On Sep 17, 2013, at 10:51 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> here's a proof of concept which completes in postgresql for me:
>> […]
>> q1 = s.query(distinct(Appl.refid), Appl).\
>>           filter(Appl.lastname.ilike('Williamson%')).\
>>           filter(Appl.firstname.ilike('d%')).\
>>           group_by(Appl).\
>>           order_by(Appl.refid, Appl.appldate.desc())
>> q1 = q1.cte('distinct_query')
>> q2 = s.query(q1).order_by(q1.c.lastname, q1.c.firstname)
>> q2.all()
>> query outputs as:
>> WITH distinct_query AS 
>> (SELECT DISTINCT appl.refid AS anon_1, appl.id AS id, appl.firstname AS 
>> firstname, appl.lastname AS lastname, appl.refid AS refid, appl.appldate AS 
>> appldate 
>> FROM appl 
>> WHERE appl.lastname ILIKE %(lastname_1)s AND appl.firstname ILIKE 
>> %(firstname_1)s GROUP BY appl.id, appl.firstname, appl.lastname, appl.refid, 
>> appl.appldate ORDER BY appl.refid, appl.appldate DESC)
>> SELECT distinct_query.anon_1 AS distinct_query_anon_1, distinct_query.id AS 
>> distinct_query_id, distinct_query.firstname AS distinct_query_firstname, 
>> distinct_query.lastname AS distinct_query_lastname, distinct_query.refid AS 
>> distinct_query_refid, distinct_query.appldate AS distinct_query_appldate 
>> FROM distinct_query ORDER BY distinct_query.lastname, 
>> distinct_query.firstname
>> turning it into aliased(), while unnecessary, works also:
>> q1 = q1.cte('distinct_query')
>> q1 = aliased(q1, 'd_q_a')
>> q2 = s.query(q1).order_by(q1.c.lastname, q1.c.firstname)
>> q2.all()
>> On Sep 17, 2013, at 6:39 PM, Nathan Mailg <nathanma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm using SA 0.8.2 and trying to port this query that works with PostgreSQL 
>>> 9.2.4:
>>> WITH distinct_query AS (
>>>  SELECT DISTINCT ON (refid) *
>>>      FROM appl
>>>      WHERE lastname ILIKE 'Williamson%' AND firstname ILIKE 'd%'
>>>      GROUP BY refid, id, lastname, firstname, appldate
>>>      ORDER BY refid, appldate DESC
>>> )
>>> SELECT * FROM distinct_query ORDER BY lastname, firstname;
>>> I've worked on this quite a while and I'm stuck. I've tried every construct 
>>> in the docs that looks like it might work without success (subquery, join, 
>>> select, etc). Here's what I've been referencing most recently that I think 
>>> is the closest to what I want:
>>> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/query.html?highlight=cte#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.cte
>>> […]
>>> class Appl(Base):
>>>  __tablename__ = 'appl'
>>>  id          = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>  refid       = Column(Integer, Sequence('appl_refid_seq'))
>>>  appldate    = Column(Date)
>>>  lastname    = Column(Unicode(50))
>>>  firstname   = Column(Unicode(50))
>>>  middlename  = Column(Unicode(50))
>>>  cityid      = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('city.id'))
>>>  cityid2     = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('city.id'))
>>>  raceid      = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('race.id'))
>>>  maritalid   = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('marital.id'))
>>>  #
>>>  city         = relationship('City', lazy='joined', 
>>> primaryjoin='City.id==Appl.cityid')
>>>  city2        = relationship('City', lazy='joined', 
>>> primaryjoin='City.id==Appl.cityid2')
>>>  race         = relationship('Race', lazy='joined')
>>>  marital      = relationship('Marital', lazy='joined')
>>>  applrefs     = relationship('ApplReferrer', cascade="all, delete, 
>>> delete-orphan",
>>>                              lazy='joined', order_by='ApplReferrer.id')
>>>  applsponsors = relationship('ApplSponsor', backref='appl', cascade="all, 
>>> delete, delete-orphan",
>>>                              lazy='joined', order_by='ApplSponsor.id')
>>>  applbenefs   = relationship('ApplBenef', cascade="all, delete, 
>>> delete-orphan",
>>>                              lazy='joined', order_by='ApplBenef.id')
>>> Please let me know if you need more info. Thanks!
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