On Sep 20, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:

> Ok now I'm still not following - in this case, "row" is a NamedTuple, or a 
> mapped instance?   if its a NamedTuple then you don't have the service of 
> traversing along object relationships available since the NamedTuple isn't a 
> mapped object.  You'd need to query for a full object with an identity ( 
> query(MyClass) as opposed to query(MyClass.col1, MyClass.col2, ...)
> if you provide me with *very minimal, but working* mappings and the query 
> we're working on, I can show you how to make it load entities rather than 
> rows.

In the debugger the returned row was of type "KeyedTuple", which I think is 
derived from "NamedTuple", so yes, it's a NamedTuple and not a mapped instance.

I really appreciate your help with this. Below is as stripped down as I can 
make it while still showing the moving parts:

class Appl(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'appl'
    id          = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    refid       = Column(Integer, Sequence('appl_refid_seq'))
    appldate    = Column(Date)
    lastname    = Column(Unicode(50))
    firstname   = Column(Unicode(50))
    cityid      = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('city.id'))
    cityid2     = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('city.id'))
    city         = relationship('City', lazy='joined', 
    city2        = relationship('City', lazy='joined', 

class City(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'city'
    id      = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name    = Column(Unicode(30), nullable=False)
    state   = Column(Unicode(2), nullable=False)
    zipcode = Column(Unicode(10))

qlast, qfirst = params['query'].split(' ', 1)
d = DBSession.query(Appl).\
    order_by(Appl.refid, Appl.appldate.desc())
d = d.cte('distinct_query')
q = DBSession.query(d).\
    join(City, City.id==d.c.cityid).\
    order_by(d.c.lastname, d.c.firstname)

What I'm trying to get at are the attrs on City after running "q", like:

# row is KeyedTuple instance
for row in q.all():
    # this works
    print row.lastname
    # below does not work,
    # stuck here trying to get at joined City attrs, e.g. City has a "name" attr
    print row.city.name

Thank you!

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