On Nov 22, 2013, at 1:11 PM, Ivan Kalinin <pupss...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there, fellow developers!
> We've recently run into a terrible problem.
> A small tool uses SQLAlchemy to execute statements read from a text file 
> against a database.
> The trouble comes when that pre-defined statement has a colon symbol in the 
> field value of a, say, INSERT statement.
> Like as follows:
> INSERT INTO my_test_table values (123, ':bar')
> Running this statement with a plain session.execute(stmt) (where stmt 
> contains a unicode string with full statement) causes a StatementError with a 
> message like "A value is required for bind parameter u'bar'"
> However, I'm certain that parameter placeholders should not be parsed from 
> within string literals.
> Is there a way to tell SA that this statement should not be analyzed for 
> placeholders?
> Thanks in advance for help and advice!

the string passed to session.execute() is wrapped with a text() construct, 
which does parse for bound parameters so that they may be type-processed and 
converted to the representation expected by the DBAPI (which is usually not the 
colon style).    This parsing is pretty simplistic and does not expect that a 
quoted value would be directly embedded in the statement.  there’s no escaping 
for those at the moment, so you have to skip the text() part here.   To send a 
raw statement to the DBAPI layer without any processing, use the Connection 
object directly, that is, send session.connection().execute(stmt).

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