The point is we get those SQL statements from an external source and we'd
prefer not to modify them. I do understand its a rare use-case of SA, but
having a DumbTextClause or an option regex parameter in TextClause
constructor could help.

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Michael Bayer <>wrote:

> yes, that workaround works, but much more simply, using a backslash in
> text() should work as well
> On Nov 29, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Ivan Kalinin <> wrote:
> Actually, using the session.connection().execute did help!
> Also, I think there is an option of creating a TextClause subclass with a
> different search regex that, for example, matches nothing. But it's a bit
> of an overkill, IMO.
> On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Michael Bayer 
> <>wrote:
>> On Nov 22, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Michael Bayer <>
>> wrote:
>> On Nov 22, 2013, at 1:11 PM, Ivan Kalinin <> wrote:
>>  Hello there, fellow developers!
>> We've recently run into a terrible problem.
>> A small tool uses SQLAlchemy to execute statements read from a text file
>> against a database.
>> The trouble comes when that pre-defined statement has a colon symbol in
>> the field value of a, say, INSERT statement.
>> Like as follows:
>> INSERT INTO my_test_table values (123, ':bar')
>> Running this statement with a plain session.execute(stmt) (where stmt
>> contains a unicode string with full statement) causes a StatementError with
>> a message like "A value is required for bind parameter u'bar'"
>> However, I'm certain that parameter placeholders should not be parsed
>> from within string literals.
>> Is there a way to tell SA that this statement should not be analyzed for
>> placeholders?
>> Thanks in advance for help and advice!
>> the string passed to session.execute() is wrapped with a text()
>> construct, which does parse for bound parameters so that they may be
>> type-processed and converted to the representation expected by the DBAPI
>> (which is usually not the colon style).    This parsing is pretty
>> simplistic and does not expect that a quoted value would be directly
>> embedded in the statement.  there’s no escaping for those at the moment, so
>> you have to skip the text() part here.   To send a raw statement to the
>> DBAPI layer without any processing, use the Connection object directly,
>> that is, send session.connection().execute(stmt).
>> sorry, I’m partially incorrect here, you should escape out that colon
>> with a backslash:
>> >>> from sqlalchemy import text
>> >>> print text("INSERT INTO my_test_table values (123, '\\:bar')")
>> INSERT INTO my_test_table values (123, ':bar')
>> >>>
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