On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 3:05 PM, <c.bu...@posteo.jp> wrote:

> On 2016-03-20 13:12 Jonathan Vanasco <jonat...@findmeon.com> wrote:
> >          .contains_eager('_periodical')\   # this lets sqlalchemy
> This eager-loading thing is a nice hint. I will use this in the future.
> Thanks.
> I haven't specified a important part of my question because I didn't
> think about it. :)
> A "Reference" can have more then one "Persons" (relation is
> "ReferenceAuthor"). The "Persons" are orderd by an index
> ("ReferenceAuthor."Index").
> How can I order by "Person._lastname" of only the FRIST author? I could
> write something like this
>   join(ReferenceAuthor, ReferenceAuthor.Index=0)
> But my problem is that I don't know how to name/adress this index
> field? As you can see in my first post this column doesn't have a
> "name" (in pythonic meaning). It is just a Column("Index", ...).

ReferenceAuthor is an instance of sqlalchemy.Table, so you can refer to its
columns as ReferenceAuthor.c.Index.


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