unfortunately this issue is related to that database /drivers so you'd
need to get support from those folks.

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 10:37 AM, su-sa <sachdeva.sugandh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> 'hdbcli' is the official python driver for SAP HANA and you are right that
> it is not open-source. I also tried with pyhdb:
> q2 = session.query(Supplier.s_acctbal, Supplier.s_name, Nation.n_name,
> Part.p_partkey, Part.p_mfgr,
>                    Supplier.s_address, Supplier.s_phone,
> Supplier.s_comment).filter(Part.p_partkey == Partsupp.ps_partkey,
>                    Supplier.s_suppkey== Partsupp.ps_suppkey, Part.p_size ==
> 15, Part.p_type.like('%BRASS'),
>                    Supplier.s_nationkey == Nation.n_nationkey,
> Nation.n_regionkey == Region.r_regionkey,
>                    Region.r_name == 'Europe', Partsupp.ps_supplycost ==
> session.query(func.min(Partsupp.ps_supplycost)
>                     ).filter(Part.p_partkey == Partsupp.ps_partkey,
>                    Supplier.s_suppkey == Partsupp.ps_suppkey,
> Supplier.s_nationkey == Nation.n_nationkey,
>                    Nation.n_regionkey == Region.r_regionkey, Region.r_name
> == 'EUROPE').correlate(Partsupp, Supplier, Nation,
> Region)).order_by(Supplier.s_acctbal.desc(),
>                    Nation.n_name, Supplier.s_name,
> Part.p_partkey).limit(100)
> I still get an error similar to my 2nd update:
> sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (pyhdb.exceptions.DatabaseError) invalid
> column name: The column 'SUPPLIER.S_ACCTBAL' is
> invalid in the ORDER BY clause because the GROUP BY clause or an aggregation
> function does not contain it: line 5 col 211 (at pos 887)
> [SQL: u'SELECT supplier.s_acctbal AS supplier_s_acctbal, supplier.s_name AS
> supplier_s_name, nation.n_name AS nation_n_name, part.p_partkey
> AS part_p_partkey, part.p_mfgr AS part_p_mfgr, supplier.s_address AS
> supplier_s_address, supplier.s_phone AS supplier_s_phone,
> supplier.s_comment AS supplier_s_comment \nFROM supplier, nation, part,
> partsupp, region \nWHERE part.p_partkey = partsupp.ps_partkey AND
> supplier.s_suppkey = partsupp.ps_suppkey AND part.p_size = ? AND part.p_type
> LIKE ? AND supplier.s_nationkey = nation.n_nationkey
> AND nation.n_regionkey = region.r_regionkey AND region.r_name = ? AND
> partsupp.ps_supplycost = (SELECT min(partsupp.ps_supplycost)
> AS min_1 \nFROM part \nWHERE part.p_partkey = partsupp.ps_partkey AND
> supplier.s_suppkey = partsupp.ps_suppkey AND supplier.s_nationkey =
> nation.n_nationkey
> AND nation.n_regionkey = region.r_regionkey AND region.r_name = ?) ORDER BY
> supplier.s_acctbal DESC, nation.n_name, supplier.s_name, part.p_partkey\n
> LIMIT ?']
> [parameters: (15, '%BRASS', 'Europe', 'EUROPE', 100)] (Background on this
> error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/4xp6)
> Do you may be know what the reason could be? Can there be some error in my
> query building using SQLAlchemy?
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Sugandha
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